Chapter 176 Be Serious!
No wonder no one has ever known where the iron cavalry is. It is deep in the mountains and forests, and there are many poisonous weeds and snakes. No one wants to come in.However, the real existence is certain, because when the first emperor went out to fight, there must be six cavalry generals and cavalry by his side.

It was only after the death of the first emperor that the iron cavalry slowly withdrew from the Dongxing people's vision and became an undefeated army that knew its existence but seemed to be legendary.

After the death of the first emperor, Bailiyu couldn't find this army, so he started a series of plots against Bailiyao, but unfortunately, Bailiyao didn't get what he wanted.

Therefore, Bailiyu would buy off Yunying who was next to Bailiyao, but Yunying did not betray this army, because Yunying was a descendant of this army, but betrayal is betrayal.Ye Rumu didn't ask Baili Yao what happened to Yunying in the end.

Baili Yao took Ye Rumu into the deep forest and walked deep.

Once you enter the dense forest, no matter how good your lightness kung fu is, you can no longer use it, and you can only walk.

The trees in the dense forest are towering, covering the sky and the sun, and entering the inside, there is darkness.

Although Ye Rumu was a secret agent, it was her first time to come to such a dense forest. After all, it is not easy to find such a dense forest in a place with towering buildings in the 21st century.The agent only needs to complete the task of killing, and there is no need to experience life in this dense forest. Of course, she does not have such a hobby.

After all, he is not a miracle doctor, and there is no space like other time-traveling heroines.

After Baili Yao came in, his face remained unchanged, and he was always paying attention to the movement around him.

Ye Rumu didn't ask Baili Yao where he was going, but he was secretly on high alert. The most indispensable thing in the dense forest was poison. If he was accidentally bitten, there was no serum to fight.

Not long after walking, a grave appeared in front of him.

Ye Rumu looked at Baili Yao fiercely.

Baili Yao held her little hand tightly, and said softly: "That is the joint tomb of father, queen, mother and concubine."

In one sentence, it explained the identity of the person in the tomb.

"The one in the imperial tomb..." The emperor was buried in the imperial tomb after his death. This is the rule of the past, but Baili Yao said that this is the tomb of the first emperor!

Baili Yao walked over, stopped in front of the tombstone, and said in a low voice: "The concubine mother is just a concubine of the father, and cannot share the same cave with the father. The father asked him not to be buried in the imperial tomb after his death, but to be with the mother concubine. Together. The ones in the imperial mausoleum are only the relics of my father during his lifetime."

Then, Baili Yao brought her here to meet his father, queen, mother and concubine.

Ye Rumu also walked over, "Baili Yao, I know a lot of your secrets."

Baili Yao revealed his secrets to her one by one, trusting her completely, she felt that she was not far from falling.

Baili Yao frowned lightly, and said helplessly as if he had no other choice: "Now that you know my secret, then, in order to prevent you from leaking it out, you should stay by my side for the rest of your life."

"Baili Yao, it depends on your ability and ability." See if he has the ability to keep himself by his side.

There was a certain deep meaning in Baili Yao's eyes, "Mu'er, my ability is very strong."

Ye Rumu: "..."

It's not that she wants to be crooked, but that Baili Yao's eyes are too serious...

Her face twitched so many times today that she couldn't count them. She rolled her eyes and said, "Be serious in front of Father and Mother!"

Baili Yao raised his eyebrows, looked at her and said, "Mu'er, what are you thinking? Could it be... do you want to test my ability? Although I tried it five years ago, it has been too long. Mu'er, you probably forgot about the feeling too, so after returning home, I will experiment once."

(End of this chapter)

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