Chapter 1762

"You are just an unknown person who has not achieved any fame. If you are sensible, you'd better jump off the stage by yourself! When you arrive in Simon Continent in the future, our sect will definitely treat you and your wife well."

As the man said, he glanced at Ye Rumu, this is such a wonderful person!
Waiting for the couple to arrive in Ximeng mainland, why don't they let themselves decide?
It was the way the man looked at Ye Rumu without hiding it.

Baili Yao pursed her lips with a cold expression.

Baili Yao stared at the man expressionlessly, and suddenly appeared in the void in the blink of an eye, looking down at the man.

Seeing Baili Yao showing such a trick, everyone was shocked and stood up one after another.

Those who have heard or seen this scene didn't find it unusual, but after all, many people don't know the inside story, and don't understand how it is possible for a martial arts practitioner to fly?It's not that flying monster!

The man was also shocked, and felt a little panic for no reason, he quickly took out a pill from his sleeve and fed it into his mouth, then pointed at Baili Yao, "You..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he suddenly felt a destructive danger coming towards him!

Baili Yao knocked his opponent off the stage with lightning speed, and then stood calmly on the stage, waiting for the judges to speak.

one move!Another trick!
Although it was a trick they had never seen before, it was undeniable that this time it was more clean and shocking!

This time, Baili Yao won, and there were only two people left, one was Ye Rumu, and the other was Baili Yao on stage.

The first and second this time belonged to these two people.

To the surprise of the audience below, the judges did not announce Baili Yao's victory, but gathered together, not knowing what to say.

Looking at the judges on the stage, Ye Rumu and Baili Yao were calm. They had already thought about it, and if they used spiritual power, they would definitely see it.

Originally, you can win with force, but it will take more time, so it is better to use spiritual power.

The judges didn't speak, Baili Yao didn't move, the handsome man stood on the stage, making countless women in the audience fall in love with him, and the men also felt that they were unattainable. They might not have Baili Yao's kindness in their whole lives. Temperament and indifference.

After the judges finished chatting, all of them looked serious. Perhaps in front of so many people, it was impossible to directly disqualify Baili Yao from the competition, so the old man sitting in the first place asked the question.

"What you used just now was not force. You know, if you use any crooked methods, you will be disqualified from the competition." The old man's eyes were sharp, trying to see something from Baili Yao's eyes, but unexpectedly, Baili Yao Li Yao is so indifferent!

Baili Yao looked at the old man indifferently, "In the rules of the competition, there is no such thing as saying that magic power other than force cannot be used."

The old man frowned, what does this young man mean, did he use other mana?But in this ASEAN continent, only those who practice martial arts are left now! "What do you mean? Then what mana did you use? If it's reasonable, I can't say anything. If it's unreasonable..."

Needless to say, everyone has made up their minds, if it is unreasonable, he has to be kicked out.

"I use spiritual power." Baili Yao said lightly.

Some people in the audience had never heard of spiritual power, so they all looked confused after hearing what Baili Yao said.

(End of this chapter)

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