Chapter 1771

Now that I actually saw it, everyone excitedly asked Ye Rumu to take out the storage space to have a look.

Ye Rumu just shook his head, unwilling to take it out.

Ye Rumu didn't take it, and they didn't think there was anything wrong, but there were still people who wanted to say something.

The suzerain hurriedly stood up and said majesticly, "I'm leaving soon, everyone be quiet! Storage space is rare, but it is not unavailable in Ximeng continent. When you have storage space, it means You have reached the highest point of the Western Union Continent!"

"Of course, it's just the highest point of the Western Union Continent and the ASEAN Continent. You must know that there are people outside the world, Elder Ye and Elder Baili, in another continent, they may also be the best among the strong!" The suzerain turned back and looked at Ye Rumu and Baili Yao glanced at each other.

The teenagers quieted down, cheering themselves up one by one!

They must practice hard, and when they have enough ability, won't they have everything?
Ye Rumu narrowed his eyes. During the big competition, except for the young disciples during the competition, none of the elders who brought young disciples to the competition was lower than King Dawu, and the old men of the Aotian Sect were all At the level of the Great Martial King, based on this alone, one can know what the strength of the Aotian Sect in the Western League Continent will be like.

"Sovereign, how should we go without the guidance of people from the Western Union Continent?" Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows. He has been here for so long, but he has never heard of how to go to the Western Union Continent.

The suzerain smiled mysteriously, "Don't worry, I have a solution! It's just that it has been useless. In fact, if we want, we can go back at any time."

Ye Rumu suddenly realized, yes, the suzerain is someone who stayed in Ximeng mainland.

And now, few people from the ASEAN continent have stayed in the Western Union mainland.

After everyone was assembled, the suzerain personally led the crowd to leave the Aotian sect.

After walking out of the scope of the Aotian Sect, the group stopped. Ye Rumu, Baili Yao, the suzerain, the elders, and Ling Shun walked a few steps towards the Aotian Sect, farther away from the main force .

Ye Rumu looked at the Aotian Sect, narrowed his eyes, and said slowly: "I need to check to see if there is anyone inside. Once I get out of this barrier, nothing can come out of it."

The suzerain, several elders looked at each other, gritted their teeth, the first elder said: "It may become dilapidated if it is closed, but it is better than being invaded and destroyed!"

Ye Rumu nodded, yes.

After Ye Rumu knew what they wanted to do, she walked a few steps forward alone, with Baili Yao protecting her from behind.

Ye Rumu's water-like mental power shot out invisibly. Although he couldn't see it, those who stood close felt the pressure!

Ye Rumu's mental power wandered through the Aotian Sect, and after confirming that there was no one there, he rose into the sky, stood in the void, and looked down expressionlessly, as if he was king of the world!
Ye Rumu's hands began to form seals, and the complexity and tediousness in it made people feel a headache, and couldn't help but look away.

Soon, a barrier slowly formed, completely covering the Aotian Sect.

"Okay." Ye Rumu stepped down step by step, as if stepping on the steps, obviously there was nothing below!

Seeing Ye Rumu come down, Baili Yao stretched out his hand towards Ye Rumu, Ye Rumu smiled slightly, and put his hand in Baili Yao's.

(End of this chapter)

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