Chapter 1773

It's a pity that every time there is a big competition, Lingao is brushed down, and can't make it into the top ten!

But it doesn't matter, when you go to the West League, do you still need to work hard to fight for the top ten?

Ye Rumu frowned slightly as he looked at this group of thick-skinned people.

With a sullen face, the suzerain walked behind all the disciples of the Aotian sect, silently blocking the Lingao sect for them.

Although the disciples were worried, the suzerain's order was to let them leave first, and the suzerain would follow behind!
Everyone thought about it, there are still Elder Ye and Elder Baili here, so they should not stay and make trouble.

"This is against the rules." Sect Master Aotian stood in front of Sect Master Lingao with a sullen face, with an ugly expression on his face.

Sect Master Lingao's face darkened, and he said with a sinister smile, "Don't forget, your Aotian Sect is not necessarily the opponent of my Lingao Sect!"

"Really?" Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows and asked in a faint voice.

"No, they, I can take care of it by myself." Baili Yao took Ye Rumu's words, but the speaker didn't lift his head, holding an orange in his hand, peeling it gracefully with his slender fingers.

This scene is pleasing to the eye, those hands seem to be the most perfect works of art, people can't take their eyes off.

Especially the eldest lady of Lingao Zongmen, when she saw Baili Yao who spoke suddenly, she was stunned when she looked over!
This man is really good-looking!
It's so beautiful... It makes her want to possess it, and want to imprison it, so she can only show it to her alone.

If Baili Yao knew that the eldest lady of Lingao Zongmen had this idea, he would definitely let her taste it first, what it feels like to be imprisoned!
"Young man, he just won the No.2 of a young man's competition. It's not good to be so arrogant!" Lingao Sovereign stared at Bai Liyao viciously, because Baili Yao's words made Lingao Sovereign feel a little nervous. anger!
He actually looked down on his Aotian Sect!

Anyway, it is also the second sect in ASEAN, even if it is second, they will not think that the first is better than them!
So, why can't they go to Ximeng mainland?

Especially only now did I know that the Aotian Sect had always known how to get to the Western Union Continent, but why did it take so long without any news coming out?
Sect Master Lingao didn't understand, but now is not the time to ask such nonsense, he looked at Sect Master Aotian again, "You and I have known each other for most of our lives and fought for most of our lives, now even if you leave, can't you support me? ?”

"I have never fought with you. The fight you think is just your one-sidedness. You can't understand that Aotian sect is the first sect, and you can't understand that Aotian is from the Western League continent. It's even more distasteful to take away the position of Lingao, Aotian is stronger than you, and you can stand firmly in the first position." Sect Master Aotian said slowly.

Regarding the psychology of Sect Master Lingao, I am afraid that no one knows better than him, because he knows, Sect Master Aotian, he will not believe any word of Sect Master Lingao.

Sect Master Lingao's expression changed, "You guys forced me to do what happened back then! I'm obviously no worse than him, so why should he become an elder and I can only continue to be an unknown little disciple?" Sect Master Lingao pointed at three Elder, with a look of resentment.

People who didn't know Lingao Sect Master and Aotian Sect Master were stunned, since they entered their respective sects, they knew that Aotian and Lingao had some unresolved hatred,
(End of this chapter)

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