Chapter 178 Missing 1
Before the six old men stopped, Mu Ziyang stroked his beard, shook his head and said, "He still has a little conscience!"

The "they" are Ye Rumu and Ye Xiaoye.

After Baili Yao and Ye Rumu left, the old men sighed, and suddenly remembered that there was something unresolved, so a new scuffle began...


When Ye Xiaoye woke up, he found that there was no movement in the study. He rubbed his eyes, ran forward with his calves, and pushed open the door of the study, but saw no one inside.

Where are father and mother...?
Ye Xiaoye opened his eyes wide, he clearly saw his father, mother and Uncle Yunxing entering, but...why no one?

Could it be that his father and mother have already left after he slept for too long?
Ye Xiaoye was meditating on the ground, propping her head on her small hands, and staring at the door eagerly.


Ye Xiaoye rubbed his stomach that was starting to scream, and licked Tian Xiao's mouth. He didn't know how long he slept, and he was hungry.

To eat, or to find parents?
After thinking about it, food prevailed.After all, father and mother are both older children, so they won't lose it!

From Ye Xiaoye's point of view, if others call him a child, then mother is a big child!

Ye Xiaoye got up and patted the dust on his buttocks, and ran out swiftly.


"Ah—it hurts—"

Ye Xiaoye slammed into a person, his small body was sent flying, and he fell to the ground.

The female voice called Oiya probably didn't hit hard, but she has been pampered for a long time, and she hasn't been bumped like this before. She was angry for a while, and cursed: "Hey, why don't you have eyes? You hit Mrs. Ben , what should you do!"

Wenren Qiubai thought it was the servant girl who bumped into her because she didn't have long eyes, and rubbed her waist to lift her eyelids.

Seeing that it was Ye Xiaoye who fell on the ground, he was startled, and then calmed down again, hum!It's not the prince's own son, so what are you afraid of!The prince will not punish himself for him!
Ye Xiaoye hated being bumped so suddenly, her big eyes were full of tears, and the tears would fall out as soon as she blinked.He looked up at Wenren Qiubai, hey, who did he think it was, it turned out to be the woman who robbed his mother of her father!
Ye Xiaoye rolled his eyes and didn't get up at all, he just sat on the ground and cried loudly: "Wow, it hurts so much——"

When I find my father later, he will sue!snort!
Ye Xiaoye burst into tears, Wenren Qiubai jumped in fright, patted his chest and really wanted to speak, but suddenly found that there was no one around!She looked at the door of the study that was opening, and there was no one inside!There is no one around!Not even a servant... Hehe, this is a good opportunity!
Wenren Qiubai immediately changed her face, she showed an apologetic expression, and smiled softly: "Xiao Ye, be good, don't cry! Where did it hurt? Auntie apologizes to you, don't cry!"

Ye Xiaoye was still crying, and the crying was getting louder. He thought to himself: What is this woman trying to do when she suddenly changes her face?
But Ye Xiaoye didn't believe that Wenren Qiubai would suddenly be so kind, he looked at Wenren Qiubai aggrieved and hurt.

"Be good, don't cry. Xiaoye, are you hungry? Auntie will take you to eat delicious food, okay? Auntie didn't do it on purpose, don't be angry." Wenren Qiubai coaxed .

But I hated it in my heart, this child is really troublesome!Can't stop crying!What if you get caught!
(End of this chapter)

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