Chapter 1786

Gold and silver in this continent are rare, and generally only ladies and wives use them. The jewelry that Ye Rumu brought out can be said to be sought after unprecedentedly.

Ye Rumu sighed: "Sure enough, it's always right to keep some gold, silver and jewelry on your body."

Her space is now full of jade stones exchanged for gold and silver jewelry.

Baili Yao smiled at Ye Rumu, "I'm now a white-faced boy."

How could he wear things like gold, silver and jewelry with him?

Therefore, he couldn't find a single gold or silver that could be exchanged for jade in the whole space.

"What does that matter! I will support you!" Ye Rumu said with a smile as he climbed up the pole.

Baili Yao shook his head helplessly and laughed, looking at Ye Rumu's eyes with deep tenderness.

Soon, there were rumors of a pair of martial arts masters, chivalrous and righteous, handsome couples who were only seen in the sky, and who were rarely heard in the underground.

Many people vaguely guessed who they were, but when they looked for them, they disappeared again!
So, keep looking.

However, Ye Rumu and Baili Yao occasionally heard that the Aotian Sect is now a well-known sect in the Western Union Continent with their own efforts.

After that, the suzerain gave up the position of suzerain to Ling Shun.

And Ye Rumu and Baili Yao's trip to the Western Union mainland is almost over.

On the bustling streets, a man and a woman were walking hand in hand. Suddenly, the woman's pretty nose moved slightly, her eyes followed the scent and forgot, "Husband, let's eat that!"

Baili Yao followed Ye Rumu's gaze and saw that they were snacks sold on the street. The man nodded lightly, with no reluctance on his face, "Okay." After saying that, he pulled the woman along. walked over together.

Before he met Ye Rumu, Baili Yao had never eaten at a roadside stall, but after meeting Ye Rumu, he had never changed his face even after eating it when he was uncomfortable.

I will like whatever you like. ——Baili Yao.

"Mother, that elder brother and that elder sister are so pretty." The little girl's childish voice wafted into the ears of the couple.

The woman holding the little girl looked over and said with a light smile, "That's right, she looks like a fairy."

"Mother, when I grow up, I want to marry such a handsome man." The little girl said boldly.

The woman smiled and hugged the little girl, "Don't be ashamed, are you thinking about the man in the future at such a young age?"

Even though he said that, his tone was full of pampering.

Listening to the conversation between the woman and the little girl, Ye Rumu felt bitterness in his heart.

What would she have been like if her mother had been around?How will they get along?
Will she tell her mother what kind of man she will marry in the future when Zhang Yang is innocent and ignorant?
Ye Rumu's emotions came and went quickly, but Baili Yao could still tell, looking at the mother and daughter with his eyes, he sighed slightly in his heart.

He can give her anything she wants, but he can't give her mother.

She grew up without her mother, and when she was young, her father also left to find her mother. How sad must she be?

However, it is more hopeful that the father can find the mother, otherwise they will not appear here.

Ye Rumu never twitched in front of Baili Yao, and smiled at Bai Liyao, "I used to think, in 1 years, did my father find my mother, where is my father now, find someone,

(End of this chapter)

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