Chapter 1797

At that time, he suddenly came to the door and said that he had a fate with his youngest daughter and wanted to take her as an apprentice.

Think about it, Shangshen Jing Xing is a powerful god who has lived up to the present in ancient times. With his teaching, Rosemary will definitely be able to improve to a higher level.

But... what's going on with the eldest daughter Mimeng appearing now?

"You..." Mimi looked at it, and felt that this might be different from what she had imagined, so she smiled and stopped talking.

"What's wrong? Dad?" Mi Meng looked at Mi Mi suspiciously.

Mimi shook her head, and smiled lovingly at Mimeng.

Then he looked at Ye Rumu, and Ye Rumu blinked meaningfully towards Mili, Mimi suddenly realized that the feeling was that his daughter didn't know what Jing Xing was thinking?

Unexpectedly, the innocent and lovely little daughter could see it.

However, Mi Mi doesn't know that the current Rosemary is no longer the former Rosemary.

When the family gets together, they haven't seen each other for too long, so they can't avoid talking about what happened before.

Ye Rumu briefly talked about the things he had picked out, and Mimi knew that he had a grandson, so he always wanted to go back and have a look, but he couldn't go back now, so Mimi could only ask more about the grandson.

When Ye Rumu finished speaking, Mimi looked at Mimeng, Mimeng smiled and told what happened, of course like Ye Rumu, she said it was good or bad.

Hearing that her daughters are doing well, Mi Mi finally felt relieved, and looked at the four of them with relief. Although Mi Meng and Jing Xing haven't made it clear yet, Mi Mi knows that they are not far away from being together.

The daughters all belong, and Mimi can be regarded as a wish.

He can also continue to stay here and wait for Qianyun.

After the chat, the family dispersed and took a walk in the canyon.

Ye Rumu and Mi Meng walked together, the two sisters hadn't seen each other for a long time, and they had a lot to say.

Ye Rumu looked at Mimeng, with a sly look in his eyes, "Sister, do you and Master...have any development?"

Mimeng frowned, and asked in confusion, "What development do you want?"

The corner of Ye Rumu's mouth twitched, thinking that her sister is so shrewd in other things, but in this matter...

"Sister, my master...should like you." Ye Rumu held his forehead, and couldn't help but slander in his heart. The master really did not tell Mimeng all this time, did he want Mimeng to figure it out by himself?

Mimeng was taken aback, then smiled and shook her head, "Die'er, stop talking nonsense, who is Jing Xingshang? How could he like me? For hundreds of thousands of years, I have never heard of him liking anyone... And I'm just an ordinary God."

Ye Rumu: "Sister, are you too unconfident? You also said that Master has never liked anyone for tens of thousands of years. Apart from my apprentice, there is another woman who is close to Jing Xing Shangshen. God Qiangwei, there is no more. But sister, don't forget, if he didn't like you, why would Master accompany you to find Dad?"

Mimeng lowered her head, not knowing what to think.

"Because you are his wants to help you?" Mimeng still couldn't believe it.

"So sister, do you have any thoughts about Master? Let's not mention anything else, I want to know what you think." Ye Rumu was helpless, knowing that he couldn't compare to Mimeng.

Fans have dreamed, thought?

Mimeng never hides from Ye Rumu, she smiled lightly and said, "Shangshen Jing Xing is an excellent person, how could my sister have no idea? But, my sister is not worthy of him, understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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