Chapter 1804

"My son and his daughter-in-law are a good match! My son didn't save the fairy world in his previous life, did he?"

And Yang Lie: "..." My wife couldn't be happy and silly, right?Where is the previous life?

But at this time, Yang Lie will not correct his wife.

Ye Rumu and Baili Yao were getting closer and closer to the garden in the clan, but they hadn't seen the people there yet, and childish disputes came out one after another.

"This is... what's going on?" Ye Rumu was a little startled, subconsciously stopped, and listened to what was said there.

Baili Yao raised his eyebrows and stopped.

"Yang Ye, don't your parents want you anymore? Why haven't I met your parents?" The child of the same clan asked loudly.

"My parents just went out to do something, and they will be back soon." This is Ye Xiaoye's voice!
"Don't lie, sister Jingjing already said that you don't have a mother, and your father is away on errands. You are so pitiful, you don't have a mother." Another child expressed sympathy.

"I'm not lying! I have a father and a mother! Why did Yang Jingjing say that?" Ye Xiaoye's face was full of anger, and she knew that woman was not a good person!
"Sister Jingjing won't lie to us, you are a motherless child!"

A group of children started booing, Ye Xiaoye was alone, but there were so many people.

What's more, his mental age is much more mature than these children who don't know how many years older than him. At this moment, he clenched his fists and gave up trying to win so many mouths with one pair of mouths.

If grandma hadn't said not to cause trouble, he would never let them go!
"Shut up!" Ye Rumu came out from the corner, looking at a group of brats with anger on his face.

The group of children suddenly saw the adults, and scolded them so fiercely, they subconsciously shut their mouths one by one.

"Ye Xiaoye, are you stupid? So many people say they are bullying you, so just bully you back! Bai has grown so tall!" Ye Rumu talked about Ye Xiaoye's head unhappily.

Ye Xiaoye curled her lips aggrieved, it turns out that mother doesn't mind that she caused trouble in the Yang family?
Wait, that's not the point now!
"Mother! When did you come back!" The grievance on Ye Xiaoye's face disappeared immediately, and she threw herself into Ye Rumu's arms happily.

Now Ye Xiaoye is almost as tall as her, Ye Rumu pushed Ye Xiaoye away, with a straight face, "Stop, now is not a good time to reminisce! You, who told you that Yang Ye has no mother? "

After all, the children were still afraid of adults, and under Ye Rumu's fierce gaze, they did it within a few strokes.

"It's sister Jingjing..."

In this Yang family, besides Yang Jingjing, there is no second Jingjing, right?

"I can't do this again in the future!" Ye Rumu saw that the children lowered their heads one by one, as if they knew they were wrong, and couldn't bear to say anything more.

Instead, he taught his son a lesson, "Ye Xiaoye, weren't you quite capable before? Why are you being suppressed to death now? Why are your prospects getting smaller and smaller?"

Ye Xiaoye hurriedly begged for mercy, "Mother, I know I was wrong. Mother, look, I am a big friend, I am older than them, I have to let them..."

"Leave them alone? Do you know where this place is? Immortal World! Which of these children is not ten thousand years old? You are the only one who thinks they are children!" Ye Rumu was even more angry. What is distressed.

(End of this chapter)

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