Chapter 1811

The more Ye Rumu walked in the Crystal Palace, the more chilled he felt.

Along the way, I didn't meet a single survivor!
"Are... dead?" Ye Rumu couldn't help but mutter.

After walking through the entire Crystal Palace, Ye Rumu's heavy heart finally relaxed a little bit.

She didn't see Qing Jue and Cang Yuan.

They are not here, so does that mean they are still alive?
In the Crystal Palace, there was no sign of the Dragon King either.

Lord Donghai has only two daughters, one has died in the Crystal Palace, and the other...Cang Yuan, where will she go?

If he escaped, why not ask her for help?

Even if she is not in the maze, the maze can shelter them.

Ye Rumu took a deep breath, the matter here in the East China Sea...she had no way to report anything to anyone.

After all, those people in Tiangong are gone, who will pay attention to this matter?

But, we can't just leave it alone, otherwise, the matter of the Crystal Palace in the East China Sea might remain unknown.

Ye Rumu thought for a while, and was going to go back and discuss with Baili Yao.

At this time, Baili Yao returned to the maze, and when he heard that Ye Rumu hadn't come back, his heart sank.

Could it be that my attitude today made her angry and she didn't want to come back?

But Baili Yao knew that Ye Rumu would only get angry for a while when he was at Yang's house, and he wouldn't be angry with him all the time!

Baili Yao couldn't help but guess, could something have happened?

But it's also possible that she went to a place she often goes to?

When Baili Yao knew she was not there, he couldn't sit still and went out to look for her.

But Ye Rumu used to have nowhere to go except Ye Wuqing, and now Ye Wuqing is not in the bamboo forest...

Although Ye Wuqing was not there, Baili Yao still wanted to go and see.

When Baili Yao came to the bamboo forest, Ye Rumu still couldn't be seen. At this moment, he completely panicked!
Where can Ye Rumu go?Is something wrong?

When Baili Yao left, Mimeng said that if Ye Rumu went back, she would notify him as soon as possible, so Baili Yao knew that Ye Rumu must not have gone back.

East China Sea Dragon Palace!

Baili Yao's eyes flickered slightly, and he left the bamboo forest to the East China Sea Dragon Palace without hesitation.

But just a few days after he set off, he received a letter from Mimeng using a spell to tell him to return quickly.

When Ye Rumu came back, Mimeng was taken aback. Seeing Ye Rumu, Mimeng asked, "My little princess, why did you go all this time? Do you know that your family is looking for you everywhere?" .”

Ye Rumu did not notice Baili Yao's aura when he came in, and thought he hadn't come back.

"Where is he now?" Ye Rumu blinked, she didn't want to, she suddenly wanted to go to Dragon Palace, and it was only after she arrived that she remembered that she hadn't told Baili Yao.

But when it's all over, she has to go and see Cang Yuan and Qing Jue before talking.

The result became this scene.

"Well, when you appeared nearby, I already informed him that he was back." Mimeng said, seeing Ye Rumu's expression of indifference, she was surprised, "You two quarreled? Why?"

Regarding Mimeng, Ye Rumu never concealed it, and she didn't want to keep it in her heart, so she just said it.

After hearing the ins and outs, Mimeng fell silent. Ye Rumu cannot be blamed for this matter. She is a mother first...

"What are you thinking so much about? Isn't it good for Baili Yao to insist on letting Xiao Ye be the heir? You know,
(End of this chapter)

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