Chapter 1814

"Yao, do you know who Donghai has offended?" Rosemary didn't pay attention to the major events in the fairy world in the past, and she might have missed something.

Baili Yao shook his head, but he didn't know, "I've never heard of it."

Perhaps it was something that happened in the past ten thousand years, when he was not in the fairy world.

And even if something happened before, Dragon Palace will definitely not spread it.

"Those who have the ability and ability to do this, I suspect it is the evil spirit sect." Ye Rumu thought for a while, and then spoke out his guess.

Unexpectedly, Baili Yao shook his head and denied, "It's not the evil spirit sect."

"Oh?" Ye Rumu was a little surprised, and looked at Baili Yao, waiting for his answer.

"They will never hide or deny what the evil spirits have done, but they will publicize it. But according to your description, I guess the accident in Donghai has been going on for a while, why has it been so calm?" Baili Yao said to himself Tell Ye Rumu everything.

Ye Rumu nodded, what Baili Yao said was indeed true.

This is not the style of evil spirits.

"Forget it, what happened to the East China Sea has nothing to do with us. Let's find Cang Yuan first." Ye Rumu decided not to care about this matter.

After all, no one is the Holy Mother, and investigating this matter is tantamount to causing trouble and attracting the attention of those people, it is better to be alone.

There is no one in Tiangong now, and I am afraid that no one will take this kind of thing on him now.

The demise of Tiangong made everyone in the fairy world panic, everyone for himself, after all, the most powerful Tiangong in the fairy world is gone, what else can these little gods do?
Baili Yao nodded.

"I want to know where they are now." Ye Rumu frowned. After all, before leaving the fairyland, she didn't know Xianmi and Kechen, so naturally she didn't know much about them. What I know is the story of Xianmi and Kechen's life and death.

"Don't worry, just send someone to look for it." Baili Yao comforted Ye Rumu, knowing that Ye Rumu had a good relationship with them.

"Well, I will send an order later to let the maze search with all my strength."

Ye Rumu and Baili Yao discussed for a while, and after talking, they acted separately.

Although Baili Yao's people haven't seen their master for 1 years, their loyalty to Baili Yao has not changed at all.

Without further ado, Baili Yao went to look for her instructions.

Here Ye Rumu also gave orders, and looked into the distance worriedly, not knowing when Baili Yao would come.

"Mu'er hasn't told me yet, what are you doing in the East China Sea?" Baili Yao knew that Ye Rumu definitely did not go to the East China Sea for no reason.

Ye Rumu's eyes flashed, "I don't want to see you, but thinking that Wuqing is not in the bamboo forest now, I will go to Cangyuan."

But these are the only friends she has in the fairy world. Those friends in the boudoir who haven't gone to experience the calamity before, don't have much contact with them now.

Baili Yao was startled, his eyes suddenly narrowed, and he couldn't bear it anymore, he pulled Ye Rumu into his arms, buried his head on Ye Rumu's shoulder, and said in a muffled voice, "If you get angry in the future, you can call me!" If I scold me, I can no longer think about avoiding me."

Thinking about it, Baili Yao also had lingering fears. If nothing happened to Song Hai, would his wife plan not to come back?

That can't be done!

"Beat you and scold you...I can't bear it." Ye Rumu suddenly laughed.

The corners of Baili Yao's lips curled up slightly, um, I can't bear it, it's fine if I can't bear it!
Taking advantage of his wife's reluctance, Baili Yao clings to Ye Rumu even more.

(End of this chapter)

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