Chapter 1817

After the meridians were unblocked, the elixir that Ye Wuqing gave them earlier had immediate results, and the bloody wounds healed at a speed visible to the naked eye in an instant.

Seeing this result, Ye Rumu breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Ye Wuqing knew that Qing Jue and Cang Yuan were her friends, so she found her in time.


The consequences could be disastrous!

After taking the pulse for the two of them again, Ye Rumu was completely relieved.

It's just that due to excessive blood loss and severe injuries, although the wounds have healed, the internal injuries are not so easy to heal.

Ye Rumu fed the two of them another elixir to restore Qi and blood, and then walked out.

Baili Yao, Ye Wuqing and Ming Yan were all waiting outside the door.

Seeing Ye Rumu come out, Ye Wuqing knew that Ye Rumu had succeeded, otherwise, according to her nature, as long as she didn't succeed, she wouldn't come out.

"Ru Mu, tell us what's going on up there now?" Ye Wuqing took Ye Rumu's hand and asked eagerly.

"There has been a big change in the East China Sea. I don't know if it's because of seeking revenge or what. In the entire East China Sea, I'm afraid there is only Cang Yuan left." Ye Rumu frowned, wondering if Cang Yuan could accept it when he woke up.

Ye Wuqing naturally knew that Cang Yuan belonged to the little princess of the East China Sea, and her expression was complicated when she heard this.

Back then, my parents... were also killed overnight.

Ye Wuqing couldn't help looking at Ming Yan, seeing Ming Yan looking at her with dark but clear eyes, she immediately felt relieved.

"The matter of Cang Yuan... Let's wait for her to wake up and make up her own mind. After all, we can't interfere." Even if there is only Cang Yuan left in Donghai, there are other three seas.

After the destruction of Tiangong, the relationship between the four seas is more harmonious than before.

"It looks like it's been planned for a long time. If I can rest assured that I don't care about anything, I won't inquire about the whereabouts of Cang Yuan and Qing Jue for so long." Ye Rumu clenched his fists.

But now she has no plans to do anything.

Ye Wuqing knew Ye Rumu best, looked at Ye Rumu with a complicated expression for a while, and then nodded, "Yeah."

How long have Xianmi and Kechen been asleep? Cang Yuan and Qingjue are in the world of cultivating immortals. Seeing the two people side by side in the room, Ye Rumu can't help but think of the immortals he saw when he was in the secret realm. Enigma and dusty corpses.

Seeing Ye Rumu's expression, Ye Wuqing understood a little, opened her mouth, and finally said nothing.

Naturally, the two of them can't stay in the canyon for too long, but Cang Yuan and Qing Jue are likely to be hunted down now. It's really not good that they brought two unconscious people with them.

Ye Rumu had no choice but to ask Ye Wuqing to take care of her first.

Naturally, Ye Wuqing would not have any complaints, after all, getting along with each other in the world of cultivating immortals has made everyone friends, and Qingjue is the most loyal person to Ye Rumu, Ye Wuqing is grateful to Qingjue.

Ming Yan didn't say anything. In his opinion, the most important thing is for his wife to be happy. Even if there are uninterested people who disturb him, wouldn't he just show up?It will not disturb Ye Wuqing's purity.

But everyone knows that Ming Yan, who is the only young master of the Evil Spirit Cult, is likely to go back and inherit it in the future.

But Ming Yan has also thought about it, as long as the old man in the family can live endlessly in the future if he doesn't deserve to be robbed, then does he still need to inherit the position of leader?
no more,
(End of this chapter)

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