Chapter 182 Missing 5
The servant girl trembled from fright, and slowly turned around holding Ye Xiaoye.

"I've seen the princess." The servant girl hugged Ye Xiaoye and dressed herself.

Feng Xi was dressed in a dark blue Xiwu dress, she raised her eyebrows, "Who are you? What are you holding?"

"Slave, slave is Xiaozhen, the servant girl in Mrs. Qiubai's yard. I have something to do under Madam's order..." Xiaozhen said.

"Oh? Is there anything to do?"

"This, this, princess..." Xiaozhen knelt on the ground, lowered his head and said, "Please make up for the princess, slaves can't say it!"

"It's too good to say! Do you know who this princess is?" Hehe, she will be the side concubine of the Prince Regent's Mansion in a short time. What Mrs. Qiubai, isn't she inferior to her?No, it was just a humble concubine inferior to her!What madam!
"Princess Redemption!" Xiao Zhen lowered her waist even lower, trying to hide Ye Xiaoye in her arms so that Feng Xi would not see it.

But Feng Xi had seen it with sharp eyes before, even if Xiao Zhen wanted to hide it, she couldn't hide it anymore.

"What's in your arms?" Feng Xi didn't press Xiao Zhen to do what she was going to do, but was more interested in the things in her arms.

"No, it's nothing..." Xiao Zhen lowered her waist subconsciously so that Feng Xi wouldn't see it.

Feng Xi frowned, stepped forward and pushed Xiao Zhen's head back, pulled out Ye Xiaoye who had fainted from her arms, and held her by herself.

"Ye Xiaoye? Ye Rumu's son?" Feng Xi muttered to herself, then looked at Xiao Zhen: "What do you want to do?"

Seeing Ye Xiaoye, Feng Xi was actually shocked, what does Wenren Qiubai want to do?Why did you ask the maid to send Ye Xiaoye to the back door?Looking at the situation, they want to take Ye Xiaoye out of the house!

Feng Xi stared at Ye Xiaoye's sleeping face, suddenly she had an idea, rolled her eyes, and said calmly: "You go back, he will be handed over to this princess."

"Princess, princess! No way! Slave..." Xiao Zhen wanted to say something, but when she saw Feng Xi's expressionless face, her body softened immediately, and she didn't dare to say anything more.

She messed up the matter, and Wenren Qiubai would definitely beat her to death when she went back!

Feng Xi stopped looking at her, turned around and left with Ye Xiaoye in her arms.

Xiaozhen sat paralyzed on the ground, taking deep breaths, his heart beating non-stop.It's clearly a dead winter day, but Xiao Zhen is sweating all over his body.

It wasn't until Fengxi disappeared that Xiaozhen got up and rushed to Bailuyuan anxiously. She wanted to tell Wenren Qiubai about it!
Xiaozhen hadn't reached the Bailu Courtyard when he was suddenly pulled from behind. Xiaozhen was taken aback, turned around quickly, and was relieved to see it was Tweety.

"Tweety, why are you here! You scared me to death!" Xiaozhen complained.

"Waiting for you here, the matter is over?" Tweety quietly stretched out her hand from behind, holding a dagger in her hand.

Speaking of this, Xiaozhen stopped complaining and said anxiously: "By the way, Cui'er, is Madam still in the yard? I have something to talk to Madam!"

Saying that, Xiaozhen turned around and was about to leave.

"Stabbed—" the sound of the dagger piercing into the flesh sounded, and Xiao Zhen turned her head stiffly to look at Tweety, her face full of disbelief!
Tweety sneered and pulled out the dagger, "What's the matter, go to hell and talk about it!"

Seeing Xiaozhen fall to the ground, Tweety probed her breath, and then dragged her to a well not far from Bailu Courtyard when she was out of breath, tied the prepared big rock to Xiaozhen's body, and Push her down!
(End of this chapter)

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