Chapter 1824

Qing Jue's indifference is even worse than Baili Yao's, so I don't expect him to say anything.

Ye Wuqing and Ming Yan packed up almost all their things and put them in the storage space. Anyway, they are going to travel around the world, so maybe they will be useful at that time?

And go to the world gold and silver jewelry can not be used?
So, take precautions.

Although the gods have already fasted, they still want to eat, and they can't keep up with nutrition if they don't eat.

As a result, four or five storage spaces have been stuffed for food and use!

There is also an empty storage space to bring, maybe you encounter something you want to buy when you are traveling?

Seeing them tidying up like this, Cang Yuan and Qing Jue probably understood that they were going to move out of here.

Cang Yuan felt guilty for a while, was it because of her and Qing Jue that they had to move away?
But they didn't say anything to blame, which made Cang Yuan feel even more sorry.

Qing Jue looked at Cang Yuan's guilty face, and the corner of his mouth twitched, "..."

Cang Yuan didn't care about Qingjue, after that, if there was anything to do, Cang Yuan would rush to do it.

However, people in the fairy world have nothing to do except cultivation, and they don't even prepare food when they are too lazy.

Finally came the day of departure, and the group of four kept a low profile.

Ye Wuqing and Ye Rumu studied together since they were young, and making masks was not difficult for her. When she knew she would be going out, she immediately made a few human skin masks.

Ye Wuqing is different from Ye Rumu. Ye Rumu's mask is simple, and it fades out so that it doesn't want to attract people's eyes and ears.

But Ye Wuqing is different, the mask she made is extraordinarily beautiful!

When Ye Rumu and Ye Rumu went to places like dance parties to do missions, Ye Rumu and Ye Wuqing would wear the human skin mask made by Ye Wuqing. The beautiful appearance can always attract the target the fastest.

The two have cooperated tacitly since they were young, and they are also the only group of children who survived!
That's right, it was so cruel, hundreds of children were divided into two groups, but only the victorious group survived!
Although Ye Wuqing thought she was good, she was not as good as Ye Rumu, she knew it.When she was on the isolated island, it was Ye Rumu who led her to escape from death again and again.

Ye Wuqing, who was scared out of her wits by the reality at that time, thought, how could Ye Rumu be so calm?

It seems... She doesn't pay attention to all the terrifying isolated islands around here.

And if it was Ye Rumu who recalled all this, he would just smile and say, "How can you not be afraid? But it's useless to be afraid, it's even worse to die if you're afraid!"

With this belief, he survived.

Ye Wuqing smiled faintly, this time, she wanted to take Ming Yan to the place where she and Ye Rumu lived.

Although the group is low-key, their speed is unabated. In addition, even if they have masks and pills to cover their aura, they may not be able to recognize them. In the fairy world, there are all kinds of immortals. You can't think of it, there is nothing you can't find!

Soon, a group of four arrived in the maze.

Ye Rumu came out to pick up the people in person, called Ye Wuqing to take care of them, looked at Cang Yuan and Qing Jue for a while, and then heaved a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, they are recovering well, come in quickly."

As soon as he went in and sat down, Cang Yuan couldn't wait to ask about Donghai.

Ye Rumu shook his head, "No progress."

The people who wiped out Donghai were extremely careful, and no one would catch them if they did it, so she had already called back the people under her.

(End of this chapter)

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