Chapter 1826

Early the next morning, Ye Wuqing and Ming Yan used the bead Ye Rumu gave them to leave the fairyland. It was something that Ming Yan had never thought about leaving the fairyland at will.

Cang Yuan was obsessed with going to the East China Sea to seek the truth, Ye Rumu sighed, the truth?
I'm afraid I can't find it.

As for the labyrinth, it is absolutely impossible to get involved in the affairs of the East China Sea.

It's okay if we can't find anything, but if we find anything, the current East China Sea might be the maze in the future.

Ye Rumu looked at Cang Yuan, and said earnestly for the first time, "Cang Yuan, it is impossible for me in the maze to help you do anything openly, so you have to do everything by yourself. Are you sure to go out now and let yourself reappear in the labyrinth?" Are you going in a dangerous environment? You clearly... know how vicious those people are!"

"Besides, you may not be able to find anything. Maybe they are near the East China Sea, waiting for you to go back." Since the other party wants the East China Sea to be destroyed and the family to be wiped out, then, if the grass is not rooted out, the spring breeze will regenerate.No one would be foolish enough to keep such a handle.

Cang Yuan nodded and said softly: "I know."

Ye Rumu frowned, and Cang Yuan continued: "But as the little princess of the East China Sea, I am from the East China Sea. The relatives of the East China Sea tribe died innocently, and I did nothing. Is it possible? This... is impossible ...I... Sister Mu, I also have my own responsibilities, I am not the little princess of the East China Sea who didn't know anything and couldn't do anything well."

Baili Yao shook Ye Rumu's hand, and shook his head slightly at her when she looked over.

And Qing Jue, who was sitting next to Cang Yuan, didn't say a word, and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Okay, since you want to go, then go." Ye Rumu was cruel and agreed.

Before, she could use the people in the maze to help Cang Yuan, but now she can't. According to the people below, they were almost discovered, and now there is an unknown force exerting pressure on the maze.

Ye Rumu guessed that it had something to do with the East China Sea.

So Ye Rumu can only make the next decision, let go of the Donghai matter!
Because she can't be willful, she can't laugh at the maze.

This is not... her own labyrinth.

Cang Yuan nodded slightly, as expected, many things can be guessed without asking.

Cang Yuan looked at Qing Jue, Qing Jue smiled softly at Cang Yuan, "No matter where you go, I will accompany you."

"Master." Qing Jue looked at Ye Rumu resolutely.

Ye Rumu smiled slightly, "From the moment I came to the fairy world, I am not your master, so don't call me that in the future. Just remember that we are friends."

Knowing Ye Rumu's character, Qing Jue nodded.

Cang Yuan and Qing Jue came and went quickly, Ye Rumu knew that they were going to the East China Sea.

Ye Rumu looked at Baili Yao beside him in a daze, and pulled his lips, "Am I useless? Even my friends can't help me."

"No, it's right for you to do this." Baili Yao shook his head slightly, no matter what Ye Rumu decided, he would agree with it.

Ye Rumu shook his head, "Cang Yuan and Qing Jue came to me as soon as they woke up, they must hope that I can help them, who knows, I will refuse?"

Mimeng had already pulled her to talk about a lot of pros and cons before, and... the people under the maze who were pressured...

Baili Yao said nothing, just hugged her silently.

After a while, I heard Ye Rumu's muffled voice,
(End of this chapter)

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