Chapter 1828

Ever since Cang Yuan woke up, he has never been so emotionally out of control. Qing Jue took a deep breath, and comforted him: "Because they want you to live! You are the only blood of Lord Donghai in this world, so you Live well!"

"But... all my relatives are gone, I'm alone, it's so painful, so painful, why do you want to keep me?" Cang Yuan's heart is full of bitterness, and the only thing left in his mind is the question of why he wants to keep her.

"Cang Yuan..." Qing Jue was not good at words, and seeing Cang Yuan like this, he didn't know what to say, because no matter what Cang Yuan said, she couldn't listen to it. She seemed to have fallen into her own world...

Qing Jue has never seen such a desperate Cang Yuan...

In the past, Cang Yuan had a smile like a flower, and it seemed that nothing was difficult for her...

She stood high-spirited on the competition stage where everyone was looking forward to, pointed at him, and said that she fell in love with him...

Qing Jue accompanied Cang Yuan, one was silent, and the other was only mournful cries.

How lucky to meet you, but how painful, I can't help you...

Qing Jue had known for a long time that when she returned to Donghai, her emotions would definitely break down, but what's the matter, he would always be with her.

When Cang Yuan was tired from crying, he fell asleep in Qing Jue's arms.

During this time, Cang Yuan looked normal, but Qing Jue knew that Cang Yuan couldn't sleep, but she didn't want to make people worry, so she wouldn't say anything.

Now he was tired and fell asleep, making Qingjue feel helpless and distressed.

I'm afraid it's impossible to leave now, and when Cang Yuan wakes up, she will definitely clamor to come back, so... she can only rest in the Crystal Palace.

Qing Jue carried Cang Yuan back to her palace, which was in the harem behind the Crystal Palace. She hadn't come back for a long time, and the Crystal Palace was covered with dust.

Qing Jue raised his hand, made a tactic, and after cleaning the room, he put Cang Yuan on the bed, and then he lay down next to her, looking at Cang Yuan quietly.

Even if there is danger, he admits it.

I only hope that after five months, those people will no longer stare at this dead city.

Qing Jue was still not at ease, got up and set up an enchantment in Cang Yuan's palace, this is the enchantment Ye Rumu taught him, it is comparable to the one outside the maze, if there is any danger, there is a [-]% chance that the people outside may not be able to do anything about it Come in.

But Qing Jue still didn't dare to take it lightly, and set up an enchantment in the entire palace, so he went back in peace.

When Cang Yuan woke up, she felt a slight tingling pain on her forehead, and she couldn't help frowning, "This is... Donghai, right?"

"En." Qing Jue nodded, seeing Cang Yuan's face, asked again: "What's wrong?"

"Head hurts..." Cang Yuan gasped, her mind seemed to be stirred by something!
And it hurt more and more, I wish I could pass out immediately!

"Don't worry!" Qing Jue calmed himself down, fed Cang Yuan a pain-relieving pill, then lost the immortal power to Cang Yuan, and then mental power flooded into Cang Yuan's mind, wanting to see what was going on .

But...he couldn't see anything abnormal!
I can't see any trace of abnormality, maybe it's all right?

Cang Yuan is in so much pain, it must not be all right!

With the Pain Relief Pill, Cang Yuan calmed down, took a deep breath, his face was very ugly, "I'm afraid, I can't escape... this is probably fate."

Cang Yuan didn't say what it was, but Qing Jue understood it all at once, and felt distressed immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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