Chapter 1830

Who was the first to discover it, and the news quickly spread all over the world? "

"Yes... Princess Beihai..." Did Cang Yuan feel that there was something wrong for a while, but asked in confusion, "What's wrong with Princess Beihai? She has always had a good relationship with Sister Ruge. When I came here, maybe I just thought about it." Want to see my sister? In the past, Princess Beihai would come here often."

Cang Yuan felt that Qing Jue should be suspicious of the first person who discovered the East China Sea and publicized it.

But Qing Jue frowned, and said lightly: "It doesn't matter who finds out, but it must be someone from other Sanhai, or in other words, must be from Beihai. Have you forgotten who cleaned up the scene? "

Qing Jue's words made Cang Yuan stunned for a moment, and his heart pounded. If this is really the case, then the four seas are usually on good terms, and it's just an appearance...

Cang Yuan has been away from Immortal Realm for too long, so long that he has forgotten the relationship between the other three seas and Donghai.

The ancestors of the four seas are all dragons.

As long as he thought about it, Cang Yuan couldn't help shivering, and his back felt cold.

"Qing Jue... let's go." Cang Yuan understood that no matter how long they stayed in the East China Sea, they would not find anything.

It may also be that those people are so confident that they don't worry at all.

She should have thought, when did an organization more vicious than the Evil Spirit Sect pop up in the fairy world?
When he walked out of the East China Sea, Cang Yuan looked at the endless sea with chills all over his body, and asked with some reluctance: "But... At that time, I didn't feel the smell of the sea from those who came in..."

Yes, every aquarium must have the smell of the sea!
Cang Yuan looked at Qing Jue eagerly as if grasping at the last straw.

Qing Jue couldn't bear it, those Hais were Cang Yuan's relatives... But if they really did it, what relatives?Let's talk about it!
"You should know that there are herbs that can block the smell in the fairy world." Qing Jue reminded Cang Yuan a little bit unbearably.

Cang Yuan's face suddenly became paler. That day, she tried to detect the aura of those people. After all, not all people in this fairy world were those who ascended through cultivation, and more of them came from the form of something.

For example, dragon clan, fox clan, various races, and ancient gods.

Gods like Jing Xingshang are gods from the ancient times, they were conceived by heaven and earth.

But no matter what kind of fairy it is, it will have its own aura!

Just like the aquarium, they have the smell of the sea...

Qing Jue couldn't do anything, he could only pat Cang Yuan on the shoulder to show comfort.

Cang Yuan took a deep breath, laughed at himself and said, "At least we don't have nothing to gain now."

Cang Yuan looked at this world in confusion. From now on, she would have no home.

"Let's... go to Beihai first." Cang Yuan said softly.

Why did Princess Beihai come to find Princess Ruge at this juncture?Obviously, Princess Beihai came to the Cangyuan-like welcome banquet last time, and joked that she came this time, and she won't come for a while.

But Princess Beihai is still here. Does that mean...someone deliberately asked her to come here at this time?

Qing Jue knew that Cang Yuan was not stupid, she could think of many things that were wrong, so she looked at her silently without speaking.

Everything that seems reasonable is actually full of loopholes!

(End of this chapter)

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