Chapter 1834

Cang Yuan looked at Qing Jue who had been with her all the time, knowing that his silence during this time had made Qing Jue worry, so he felt a little guilty.

Qing Jue just touched Cang Yuan's mind, and said softly: "For my own benefit, many people, even my own close relatives, will not let go."

Cang Yuan's eyes were slightly red, yes!
She knew it when she was in the world of cultivating immortals.

As the only daughter of a dean who was born in a college, many people thought that she could inherit the position of dean in the future. Since she was a child, she didn't know how many people were not convinced and didn't like her.

Many people think that all she got is because of having a good father, and she didn't put in any effort.

The original Cangyuan... what was it like in the beginning?After becoming sensible, facing these rumors, Cang Yuan went from being sad at the beginning to being numb at the end, so why do he still have illusions now?It's just a different world, but as long as it is a creature with a high IQ, it will seek it for its own benefit.

What's more, the blood relationship between the four seas has become so weak that it cannot be any weaker.

And what troubled Cang Yuan the most was to know which sea besides the North Sea had an indelible hatred for the East China Sea?

"Cang Yuan..."

"I'm fine." Cang Yuan wiped away tears, she was too willful before, she could ignore everything in Donghai, but now she no longer has the ability to be willful.

"I want to go to the South China Sea or the West Sea!" Cang Yuan looked at Qing Jue with firm eyes, not asking, but affirming it!must go!
Qing was in despair for Cang Yuan for a long time, but in the end he was defeated by himself, and said helplessly, "Cang Yuan, there will be danger."

"No! You have to go now, otherwise all the evidence will be wiped out after a long time." Cang Yuan shook her head resolutely. If she becomes stronger, maybe there will be no clues at all. How can this make Cang Yuan feel at ease?

"If you want to go, then I can only do my best to help you." Qing Jue held Cang Yuan's hand, and there was no wave in his eyes.

If he hadn't been with Qingjue for a long time, Cang Yuan would definitely think that Qingjue has no feelings for her at all.

Those emotionless eyes are so deceiving!

Cang Yuan's heart trembled slightly, and he shook Qing Jue's hand back.

With such great love from you, what is there to fear in this life?
However, Cang Yuan was a little worried that his willfulness would harm Qing Jue...

But Cang Yuan also knew that if Qing Jue made up his mind to pay attention, he would have no way to stop him.

I can only suppress the guilt in my heart.

"I only have one request." Qing Jue said calmly.

"Tell me." Cang Yuan nodded, Qing Jue never made demands that would embarrass her, so Cang Yuan nodded readily.

"Tell the lord where we are going." A trace of determination flashed in Qing Jue's originally unwavering eyes.

"Why?" Cang Yuan was puzzled, she didn't really want to hurt Ye Rumu, not to mention that Ye Rumu had said before that the labyrinth would not show up.

"If something happens to us, let the Lord know our whereabouts. Cang Yuan, the Lord's refusal to act is not because he doesn't want to help us, but... Maze doesn't have this ability, she can't take risks. But, she I don’t want us to take risks either.” Qing Jue said seriously.

Cang Yuan lowered her head, how could she not blame Ye Rumu when she was alone and helpless in the fairy world?Ye Rumu is her and Qingjue's only friend!

"I know, I know..." Cang Yuan whispered.

(End of this chapter)

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