Chapter 184 Missing 7
"Thank you ma'am."

"Madam, that Fengxi is so arrogant in the mansion! I really don't know why the lord has his eyes on her! Look at her eyes and hair, she's really ugly. She's no match for you, Madam." Tweety looked carefully Seeing Wenren Qiubai's face, he complimented him.

Wenren Qiubai stroked her bun, "Why would the lord fall in love with her! It must be some kind of conspiracy by that bitch, otherwise why would the lord ignore her now?"

Wenren Qiubai looked like he had seen it through.

"Yes, madam is right."

Wenren Qiubai sneered, just like Feng Xi, she sees how long Feng Xi can dance around!

Fengxi carried Ye Xiaoye back to her yard. The maid Jiaer she brought from Xiwu was shocked when she saw Fengxi came back with a child in her arms: "Princess, this is?"

Fengxi threw Ye Xiaoye to Jia'er, "Jia'er, quickly send this child out of the mansion, to the emperor's brother, and let the emperor watch him for the princess!"

"This, this princess, this is the Prince Regent's Mansion, if you send it out, you will be found." Jiaer frowned.

"The prince and Ye Rumu are not here, you just need to avoid the other hidden guards, hurry up! Send this child out." Feng Xi urged.

"...Yes." Jiaer reluctantly lowered her head, pretended to hold Ye Xiaoye in her arms, and then left the yard.

Carefully dodging servants and hidden guards along the way, he finally arrived at the gate of the palace.

There were about a dozen guards standing at the gate of the palace, Jiaer gritted her teeth and hid Ye Xiaoye better before going out.

Now that it was night, the guards of the palace would not let Jiaer go out, as soon as Jiaer walked to the door, the guards stopped her directly.

"Stop! Where are you going?" The guard looked Jia'er up and down, saw that she was holding a big package in her hand, and asked.

"I... I am Jia'er, Princess Fengxi's personal servant girl. I am ordered by the princess to deliver these important things to His Royal Highness Feng Xie. Brother guards, please let Jiaer go out." Jiaer begged.

My heart was tense, and my hands were sweating.

The guard looked at Jia'er suspiciously: "Is there anything that can't be delivered during the day? Do you have to deliver it at night?"

"This, isn't this the princess who just remembered this, and these things must be given to His Royal Highness Feng Xie as soon as possible, brother guard, please be accommodating~" Jia'er begged coquettishly.

As he spoke, he twisted his steps and approached a guard, "Brother guard~"

The guard took two steps back and said, "Speak up! What are you doing so coquettishly! Get out quickly."

"Yes, yes, thank you brother guard, Jia'er is leaving now." Jia'er blinked at the guard vaguely with blue eyes, but unfortunately, the guard was puzzled and didn't even look at her.

Jiaer quickly left the Prince Regent's Mansion, turned her head vigilantly to see if anyone was following, and after seeing no one, she carried Ye Xiaoye and hurried to the Second Prince's Mansion at a faster speed.

Now Feng Xie is still living in the Second Prince's Mansion, so Jiaer only needs to send Ye Xiaoye to the Second Prince's Mansion.

Jiaer walked all the way to the second prince's mansion, and communicated with the guards of the second prince's mansion in fluent Dongxing dialect at the door, explaining her intention of coming.

The guards saw that she had long beige hair and blue eyes, and knew that Jia'er might not be lying, so they went in to report to Feng Xie.

After a long time, the guards came back and led Jiaer inside.

Although Ye Xiaoye is only four years old, he still has some weight. Jiaer hugged him for so long, her hands became stiff, and she dared not let go. As soon as she let go, the package fell apart, and everyone knew that there was a child inside!It's still Ye Rumu's child.

(End of this chapter)

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