Chapter 1845

And his father, Mimi, is an immortal. The good stories about his father and mother back then can be said to have envied everyone in the immortal world.

After all, it is the Phoenix family with a strong bloodline. At a certain time, Qianyun will go to experience the calamity.

It is said that Qianyun's first reincarnation was extremely difficult, and each life would not end well. After going through all kinds of hardships in the world, the last ten lives were the most stable ten lives she lived, and at that time, her father also found her mother.

You don't need to see this matter with your own eyes, you just need to hear about the people who sent your mother to reincarnation and what happened to the catastrophe that you know.

Ye Rumu looked at the red clouds in the sky and the roaring phoenix. When she came back, she probably looked like this, right?

It's just that compared to Qian Yun, a Phoenix with a pure bloodline, he is still much inferior.

The last pure-blooded phoenix in the world...

Ye Rumu looked at Hongxia in the sky, feeling a little lost.

After standing for a while, she looked at Baili Yao beside her, and saw Baili Yao staring at her without blinking. It was a familiar face.

Ye Rumu smiled, turned to Baili Yao and said, "Shall we go pick up mother?"

Baili Yao nodded and responded lightly, "Okay."

Qianyun and Mimi's return made a lot of noise. After seeing the sudden change in the world, many former friends immediately flew towards the sky.

And there, there were two women and a man standing there, they were the Qianyun Mimi couple who had been away from the fairyland for many years, and their eldest daughter, Mimeng!
"Mother, welcome back." Seeing her mother staring at the scenery in front of her in a daze, Mi Meng suddenly said with a smile.

Qian Yun nodded and smiled, "I haven't seen Meng'er for a long time, Meng'er is already this big."

When she was in the realm of comprehension, Qianyun didn't know that Mimeng was actually her daughter, and even got jealous because Mimi and Mimeng were too close, making a lot of jokes, but no one could remind her at that time.

Of course, even if reminded, she would not believe it.

Now that he is back, Qian Yun still feels a little embarrassed when he thinks about it.

And Mimeng smiled, as if she had forgotten the previous things, Qianyun raised her eyebrows, anyway, she didn't know what was going on at the time, so it's no wonder she wasn't?

"Mother, Dier should be on the way here, why don't we go home after Dier arrives? Otherwise, Dier won't be able to see us later, so it's a waste of time." Mimeng looked at Qian. Yun opened his mouth with a smile.

Qian Yun nodded, thinking of her little daughter, she said guiltily, "It was all my fault back then, and I had to go to reincarnation to atone for my sins...Die'er was only so big and so young, and he must have had a hard time without his mother by his side. Hard……"

"Don't worry, Die'er came to the cultivation world to look for us last time. You were going to reincarnation at that time, so you didn't see it. Die'er has indeed grown up and now has a husband. And, Meng'er put Dier is taking good care of her, so don't worry." Mimi was a little helpless, ever since his wife regained her memory, she kept thinking about Dier and Menger, and forgot about him!

If he knew this earlier, why not let Qianyun stay with him in the realm of comprehension?Too lazy to come back and let these two daughters rob him of his wife...

No, Die'er is already married, and if she depends on her husband, she is also dependent on her husband, but Meng'er is not there yet!Meng'er is still alone!

(End of this chapter)

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