Chapter 1853

Baili Yao keenly noticed that Ye Rumu's mood was suddenly not right, and asked anxiously, "What's the matter? But it's uncomfortable?"

Ye Rumu shook her head, what was she thinking, she would not hide Baili Yao, she said softly: "How will the Yang family deal with Yang Jingjing's matter?"

"The Yang family expelled her." Baili Yao said lightly.

Ye Rumu frowned, "If I remember correctly, Yang Jingjing is the child of an elder, right? This way I will be expelled directly..."

"Don't worry." Baili Yao shook Ye Rumu's hand.

The corners of Ye Rumu's lips twitched, how could he not be worried, Yang Jingjing was expelled because of Ye'er, how could the elder not resent Ye Xiaoye?
Ye Rumu looked at Baili Yao, and pursed her lips. Well, many times, men don't realize the consequences of not doing these things. She can only be wary of that elder.

The people from the labyrinth visited the Yang family, although they said so, but everyone knew that it was from the young lady's natal family, and they dared not neglect it right now.

Although Yang Jingjing's whereabouts are deserved, but Yang Jingjing has lived in the Yang family for a long time, and for Ye Rumu and Ye Xiaoye, the mother and son who suddenly appeared, it is obvious that Yang Jingjing is the closest to them!

Therefore, on the surface, she doesn't show the mountains and the water, but in the bottom of her heart, she hates Ye Rumu and Ye Xiaoye. In their hearts, if the mother and son hadn't appeared suddenly, Yang Jingjing would not have ended up like this.

What's more, Yang Jingjing was very likely to become their young wife, but was robbed by a woman who suddenly appeared, and Yang Jingjing was expelled from the Yang family. Ye Xiaoye was full of hatred...

Ye Rumu is more perceptive than ordinary people. How could Ye Rumu not see the compliments on the surface and the disdain in the secret?
But when Ye Rumu saw it, he didn't say anything, and sighed in his heart. In the future, his parents-in-law will really be hated by their mother and son.

But, when was Ye Rumu afraid?If people don't offend me, I won't offend others. If people offend me, I will bear her temper!
Ye Rumu didn't have any special requirements for the Yang family, but... for a while, she couldn't accept this place where so many people hated her as her home.

In the past few days when everyone in the labyrinth came, the Yang family was still restrained, but secretly, those maids, Ye Rumu clearly saw their disdain.

Tsk, are you on good terms with Yang Jingjing again?

When he first arrived at Yang's house a few days ago, Ye Rumu also saw Yang Jingjing's father, the Great Elder.

Although the great elder of the Yang family didn't say anything, he didn't even look at Ye Rumu. How could it be possible to say that he didn't hate her?

It's just that this person's resentment is hidden deeper!

Coming to the Yang family, which is full of dangers, offending Yang Jingjing means offending many people. If she hadn't been prepared, she would have died without knowing... But, does she really want to live in this smoky place?

That night, Ye Rumu directly told Baili Yao his thoughts, and Bai Liyao frowned. He obviously didn't notice it. Seeing that Baili Yao didn't speak, Ye Rumu simply said: "After the big wedding , we will go back to live in the labyrinth, I can't live in the atmosphere of the Yang family, I never know when I will be assassinated, I can still guard against it, but Ye'er can't!"

Baili Yao frowned, "'s not as bad as you think."

Baili Yao couldn't accept it, the Yang family really rejected Ye Rumu and Ye Xiaoye so much?
(End of this chapter)

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