Chapter 1856

When traveling to the mainland, he was worried that the child's biological father would snatch Ye Xiaoye away, but he didn't.But in the Yang family, it is obvious that Ye Xiaoye will stay in the Yang family no matter whether Ye Rumu will marry into the Yang family or not, it's no wonder she agrees!
She doesn't want her children to take on so much.

Selfish, but it is also the love she can win for her children.

As for what path Ye Xiaoye will take in the future, Ye Rumu will not interfere, but she doesn't want her child to be bound to the Yang family without the right to choose the path.

Ye Rumu couldn't wait to leave, why didn't he just avoid it?

"Tsk, my dad is so pitiful. Mother, when do you think dad will find us?" Ye Xiaoye asked curiously.

Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows, "Maybe your father will marry another one and have a litter of children."

Ye Xiaoye was depressed, staring at a pair of beautiful big eyes.

"Don't stare, enjoy life here. There are many things you haven't seen before." Ye Rumu also reported to Ye Xiaoye's school, and he started directly from junior high school. When he didn't go to school, Ye Rumu Give her the news of this world.

Ye Xiaoye's expression was hopeless, Dad, when did you come to us.

Seeing Ye Xiaoye's expression, Ye Rumu narrowed his eyes, "Do you want your father or me?"

"Can I only choose one?" Ye Xiaoye asked weakly.

Ye Rumu nodded with a smile, "How many more do you want to choose? Huh?"

Ye Xiaoye turned around silently and walked out.

Since I can only choose one, of course it is my mother.

Dad is making a mother unhappy again, it's not reliable at all.

And the fairy world...

Ever since Ye Rumu took Ye Xiaoye away, Yang Lie and Mu Mu finally felt Ye Rumu's swift action, and...they still couldn't find anyone!

The maze refused to disclose where the person went. Baili Yao often went to the maze, and it didn't help if he couldn't see the person.

On this day, Baili Yao continued to come outside the maze, without asking to enter, but stood outside, looking at the palace not far away with a blank expression, if she didn't want to see him, then he wouldn't move forward.

During this period of time, Baili Yao thought a lot, he was very helpless, the Yang family was an unshirkable responsibility, and Ye Rumu was a rib that could not be discarded.

But she didn't like it, she didn't like him bearing such a responsibility, and she didn't like her child walking on his old path of no choice.

During this period of time, Yang Lie trained Ye Xiaoye in the direction of the Patriarch, just like... the same as when he was a child...

Thinking about it, a bitterness appeared on the corner of his lips.

They were not separated by other tribulations, but they had different ideas on this matter.

In other words, their ideas have always been different, but they have never met before, so there is no contradiction.

inside the maze.

Using the excuse of not being familiar with the current fairyland, Mi Mi calmly left things to Mi Meng to handle, but because of Jing Xing's disappearance, Mi Meng put all her thoughts on handling the affairs.

At this moment, Mimi and Qianyun stood leisurely on top of the highest palace in the maze, looking at Baili Yao in the distance.

"Why is this kid here again? I don't know what Dier is up to." Mimi was very satisfied with Yang Yan, the son-in-law who became famous in the fairy world at a young age.

Qian Yun slapped Mimi's head with a slap, and scolded: "How can you men understand us women's thoughts? Judging by your satisfied tone, is it possible that Yang Yan is your son?"

Qian Yun is dissatisfied with the husband who doesn't do this business and pushes it all to his daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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