Chapter 1859

After Yang Jingjing returned to the Yang family, she soon resumed her previous life in the Yang family.

As the elder's granddaughter, Yang Jingjing's life in Yang's family has been prosperous, seeing that the mother and son are gone, life will be even more comfortable!
And...Yang Yan has never mentioned them, could it be that he forgot?
He even brought himself back in person, did he...know that she is good, and want to continue his relationship with her?

Thinking of this, Yang Jingjing looked excited. She had been looking forward to it ever since she came back.

Yang Yan's high-profile movement naturally made Qian Yun, who had been paying attention to the Yang family, aware of it.

Knowing that Yang Yan sent the people who bullied Ye Xiaoye and excluded Ye Rumu back to the Yang family, his face turned dark immediately, and he threatened not to mention the Yang family again!
Mi Mi listened, and her brows were also frowned. After all, it was his daughter who doted on her growing up, and Mi Mi was naturally dissatisfied with Yang Yan for doing this.

But her daughter ran away with her grandson, and Mi Mi didn't bother to go to Yang's house to say anything.

But Qianyun...

After hearing the report from the people below, Qian Yun's eyes turned red immediately, "What the hell is this Yang Yan trying to do?"

"My lady... Dier left first." Mi Mi sighed.

"Leave first? Die'er just went to get some air, but what about her? No! I have to inform Die'er." Qian Yun said, and left in a hurry, even Mi Mi couldn't stop her.

Qianyun has a special way to contact Ye Rumu. When Qianyun told Ye Rumu the news, the smile on the corner of Ye Rumu's mouth froze immediately.

Then he calmly continued to do what to do.

The heart that planned to go back when it was originally, was also dispelled at this moment.

She knew very well that Baili Yao would not compromise, and neither would she.

That's okay, then she will just bring Ye Xiaoye to live here.

With such a long life ahead, whether Baili Yao will continue to marry a wife or do anything has nothing to do with him.

She likes this world, but Baili Yao is destined to have no time to live here with her for a few years.

After figuring it out, Ye Rumu felt nothing.

When Ye Xiaoye came back from school, she felt that Ye Rumu had changed, so she couldn't help but ask, "Mother, did something happen while I was away?"

Now that he has grown up, he can completely protect his mother!

"No, dear. Let's live here for a while, and then go back to Hongdalu, okay?" Ye Rumu asked.

Ye Xiaoye frowned, "Aren't you going back to the fairy world?"

The smile on Ye Rumu's mouth slowly disappeared, "Do you want to go back?"

Ye Xiaoye knows how to look at his mother's face the most, seeing Ye Rumu like this, Ye Xiaoye shook his head, comparing father and mother, what is father?
"Where mother goes, I will go."

Ye Rumu patted Ye Xiaoye's head in relief, thought of Zhuang Caixin, smiled and said: "Caixin will be a big girl in a few years, son, do you have any ideas?"

Ye Xiaoye thought of Zhuang Caixin who seemed to have changed because of her parents' departure, she blinked and said, "What should Ye'er think?"

Ye Rumu: "..."

Knowing that Ye Xiaoye did it on purpose, after all, Ye Xiaoye...knows everything he knows, and he knows everything he shouldn't know. Living in the 21st century, he is not as conservative as Immortal World and Xuanhong Continent.

Those who pay attention to the words of the matchmaker basically settle down without meeting each other, let alone have sex before, who would mention it?

The 21st century is different,

(End of this chapter)

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