Chapter 1863

Just look at the ancient gods of 33 Chongtian.

Except for the young immortal, all were destroyed!

Finally, is it Jing Xing's turn to be god?

In the fairy world, there are not many ancient gods left!

Could it be that God wants to kill all the gods and let the fairy world... slowly become new gods to control?

But, God's mind, no one can figure it out, one by one, they all sent things to the door before Jing Xingshang's answer, just to see Jing Xingshang's side.

When Mimeng heard the news, she raised her head from a pile of chores in a daze.

In the past few months, it was impossible to even talk to Ye Rumu, but Qianyun...

Mimeng would occasionally talk to Qianyun, but she never said anything about Jing Xing's thoughts.

She didn't deliberately hide it, and believed that Qian Yun and Mi Mi could see something.

But... Why can't God Jing Xing see it, or is it that to God Jing Xing, she is irrelevant and doesn't matter?
Mimeng looked out of the window, because the day when Jing Xingshangshen should be robbed was approaching, the whole fairy world was shrouded in darkness, it could be guessed that this was God's power to deal with Jing Xingshangshen.

As long as Mimeng thinks that that cold man will die, Mimeng will feel pain...

But now...the vision of heaven and earth has begun, no one can get close to Jing Xing, otherwise...he can only die under the thunder, together with Jing Xing.

Ninety-nine 81, nearly a thousand thunders...

After carrying it through, Jing Xing's strength has improved to a higher level, if he can't carry it, then only... falls.

It was these ninety-nine 81 thunders that killed countless gods again, and no one could carry them over. Some wild gods left over from ancient times couldn't even carry half of them!
Ninety-nine 81 thunderstorms, one is more powerful than the other, and you can't dodge them, you have to suffer them all!
The more Mimeng thought about it, the tighter her heart became, and that uncomfortable feeling of suffocation swarmed towards her, as if she had fallen into the vast sea, she wanted to struggle to escape, but was trapped tightly...

Heh... Her heart has long been trapped by Jing Xing...

At this time, Jing Xing looked at the thunder in the sky, calculating when the first one would fall, and he would accept the washing of the thunder on Tianya.

This time, Jing Xing didn't have much hope to come back alive after narrowly escaped death, but he will do his best for the sake of dreaming.

As long as he survives this catastrophe of life and death, he will be able to accompany her safely for hundreds of millions of years to come.

But... the premise is that you can stand it. If you can't stand it, you will end up in a mess. Originally, the souls in the fairy world are not as good as reincarnation. As long as you have a soul, you can die and come back to life. This is a common thing. However, it also needs to be strong enough, weak immortals can easily wipe them out.

Qianyun and Mimi also knew about Jing Xing, they always 'passed by' Mimeng's study or room these days, making Mimeng dumbfounded, but thinking that Qianyun and Mimi also cared about her, their hearts instantly became warm of.

She will not go out to find Jing Xing, will not disturb Ying Jie, nor will she be so impulsive that she loses her mind.

She had to believe in Jing Xing, and for some reason, she felt that if Jing Xing wanted to live, he would try his best to live.

But... Mimeng lowered her eyes, because the power of the ancient gods was so powerful that they destroyed the world,

(End of this chapter)

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