Chapter 187 Missing 10
Ye Rumu fell limp in his arms as if all the strength in his body had been drained.

No matter how strong and capable she is, she still needs someone to lean on when she is tired.

Qingxin's actions were quick, and she quickly arrested all the suspicious people today, including Jia'er who was arrested just after returning home.

Most of what Qingxin brought were the women in the backyard.

Those women were reluctantly brought to the Clear Water Courtyard, cursing and cursing along the way.I also knew that it was impossible to follow Qingxin, but fortunately, Baili Yao sent secret guards and brought them directly.

A group of women came to Bishui Courtyard cursing, but when they went inside, they met Baili Yao and immediately fell silent.

The height is lower than that of a camel.Oh, why didn't anyone tell them that the prince is here too!When they were swearing just now, the prince heard them, so what should I do!If the prince hates them because of this, the loss outweighs the gain!

Immediately, everyone forgot to ask them what they were forced to do here, and they were all worried whether Baili Yao would hate them, and how they could please Baili Yao.

Until the last Fengxi entered the Bishuiyuan, "My lord, is there anything you can do to find a concubine?"

As soon as Fengxi came in, she saw Baili Yao and asked softly.

At first, seeing that it was Qingxin who was by Ye Rumu's side, she was afraid that Ye Rumu didn't want to come after knowing what happened today, but when she heard that it was Baili Yao who was looking for her, she immediately changed her mind and came to the door herself. .

"Princess!" Jia'er saw Fengxi coming, and immediately walked behind her.Because they came back late after hanging out with Feng Xie, Baili Yao and Ye Rumu, who were so alive, found that Ye Xiaoye was missing and were interrogating her, so she was arrested.

Feng Xi glared at her vaguely, then looked at Baili Yao.

Baili Yao didn't even look at her, let alone reason.

Baili Yao's reaction made all the women feel happy.Looking at Feng Xi secretly mockingly, hum, I thought the prince was so special to her!It's not like ignoring her.

Qingxin didn't find many people, only a dozen or so, but it would take some time to find out who took Ye Xiaoye away among the dozen or so.

Baili Yao glanced at the strange women in the room, and said calmly, "What are you all doing today?"

Some women don't know why, but Baili Yao has never asked about their daily life!

The concubines immediately spoke out one by one.

"Today, the concubine didn't go anywhere, and stayed in the yard all day long to embroider winter padded jackets for the prince."

"Today, the concubine is also praying for the prince in the yard, hoping that the prince will live a long life and be healthy."

"Today... today, the concubine went to the famous Qiuzi Temple. I hope... I hope that I can give birth to a boy and a girl for you, my lord." The concubine blushed as she said.

The other concubines who didn't think of this secretly glared at the concubine who was blushing, hum, this fox/meizi!Don't think that you can give birth to a child just by asking for a child, curse her that she will never be able to give birth to a child!
It was Wenren Qiubai's turn, and she smiled and said: "This concubine went to the study to find the prince at noon today, but the prince was not there, so the concubine went back to her own yard, and never came out after that. Prince, but what happened? What's the matter?"

Wenren Qiubai pretended to be stupid and said, feeling a little anxious, he didn't expect the prince to investigate!That child is not the prince's, why should the prince be so caring?Could it be because of Ye Rumu?Wenren Qiubai went mad with jealousy.

 What about the fourth watch~~ Ask for tickets, ask for rewards~~
(End of this chapter)

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