Chapter 1870

But ah, people are always dissatisfied, especially people in the fairy world who think it should be like this.

Originally, Jing Xing didn't care about life and death, so he never deliberately hid his divine power that had reached its peak. Originally, his time to respond to the robbery would not be so early, but he forcibly broke through to the time when he needed to respond to the robbery.

It is estimated that Tian Dao is making fun of Jing Xing, why is he so stupid?
If it should not be robbed, it is estimated that he can live for tens of thousands of years!
The sky thunders hit Jing Xing's body one by one, and Jing Xing's consciousness became more and more blurred. He hasn't felt this way for tens of thousands of years?

Whenever Jing Xing was so confused that he was about to be unable to hold on, as long as Jing Xing thought of Mimeng, he would not dare to close his eyes or lose consciousness!
It seems... Ying Jie is not completely impossible to survive, at least... he is concerned about what are those gods who have fallen, what are they thinking in their hearts?

Do you feel that the way of heaven is killing everything, leaving no way out, and feel sad, or are you like him, struggling to support what you can't let go of?
Obviously, those high gods who have already fallen, they have experienced all the good and bad things in the world, so when they are facing the catastrophe, they have nothing to worry about.

...It wasn't until the last thunderstorm that he paused for a while, but Jing Xing knew that the last thunderstorm didn't mean that he had survived it, but...the last one that decided life and death!
In the past, there were quite a few gods who made it to the last stage, but... many of them lost their souls in the last stage, not even leaving their bodies behind!
Jing Xing quickly closed his eyes, and quickly circulated the divine power on his body to wrap himself, one layer, two layers... more, more...

Jing Xing's body was dilapidated, if he used his broken body to resist, it would definitely be impossible!

Therefore, he can only rely on divine power to resist most of the thunder!


The moment the thunder struck, the whole small world trembled, began to shake, and slowly collapsed!
Jing Xing's expression did not change, he calmly waited for the thunder to come. Under him, the flat ground where he was sitting had already been smashed into a huge sinkhole.

In the future, if this small world can be divided into a world by itself, then this tiankeng will definitely become a vast ocean far away.

This last thunder is different from the ninety-nine or eighty before, this last one is enough to brighten up the whole small world!

Jing Xing sat on the spot, his whole body was already numb, and his mind was only relying on an instinct to continuously run his divine power, as long as he survived, he would not be out of his wits!

As long as he survives, he will truly live the same life as the world!

The last thunder stayed in the smashed tiankeng for a full month without dissipating, and Jing Xing was already used to the existence of thunder. It can be said that all the thunder in the future is no longer important to him. What is it!

After Jing Xing regained his strength, he leaped out of the huge tiankeng, looked indifferently at the tiankeng that had turned into a sea of ​​thunder, raised his hand, and the thunder that hadn't dissipated for a long time disappeared instantly. !

The corners of Jing Xing's lips curled slightly, the first god to survive the calamity...

He is already, a well-deserved god!
Live with the sky, sleep with the earth!
And the people who searched for the whereabouts of Jing Xing Shangshen all over the world, but they couldn't find it for two full months. At this time, everyone in the fairy world thought that Jing Xing Shangshen was dead.
(End of this chapter)

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