Chapter 1874

Besides, when she comes back, it may be hundreds of years later. At that time, An Jian didn't even know how many times she had been reincarnated. "

The life of the gods is very easy.

Ye Xiaoye thinks about it too, and he can't marry his mother to someone else.

"And you think, people here will grow old sooner or later, and then we will only have the looks of our mother and child for a hundred years, what do you think will happen?" Those who moved, only in this way, others can't see anything unusual.

Ye Xiaoye curled her lips, "Well, whatever mother says is right."

Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows, "It's just a fact."

"Then...mother, are you sure you don't want to go back to the Immortal Realm to see Master Jing Xing?" Ye Xiaoye rounded up the question,'s time for mother to go back and see Daddy, cough cough.

Although he doesn't like being trapped by others to learn this and that, he still misses his father a little bit, and he is so old that others can't force him anymore.

Ye Rumu took a look at Ye Xiaoye, luckily Ye Xiaoye didn't inherit Baili Yao's paralyzed face, otherwise it would be boring to face his son... Ye Rumu's eyes are slightly compliant, and he still thinks of that man from time to time what……

I don't know how he is doing now, without her, I'm afraid it will get better and better, right?
Seeing that Ye Rumu was distracted again, Ye Xiaoye raised her eyebrows, said nothing, and went to practice alone.

The place my mother mentioned was called the 21st century. Although the spiritual power is thin, it is not impossible to practice at all, so Ye Xiaoye has been practicing at night.

Ye Xiaoye looked at his arms and thighs, and smiled with satisfaction. In the mortal world, he really grew up faster!
Even though he is only 17 years old, he has grown to the height that a mortal should have, but Ye Xiaoye is not dissatisfied at all. In the fairy world, a 17-year-old child is still a baby!

Therefore, Ye Xiaoye was very satisfied.

When Ye Rumu came back to her senses, Ye Xiaoye had already gone to practice, she glanced out the window lightly, did she go back to see Jing Xing?

It's better to say goodbye, she can wait for the news...

What she didn't know was that all the messages she sent were redirected to him by Baili Yao.

As a result, Qianyun became depressed. Looking at the heartless person next to him basking in the sun, Qianyun felt heartbroken, "Die'er hasn't heard back for a long time, is there something wrong? You Why don't you worry at all, is there anyone like you?"

Qianyun was even more depressed.

Mimi continued to lie down, turned over, "What's the hurry, that girl might be playing crazy somewhere, you should worry about Meng'er."

A month ago, Mi Meng came back suddenly, without saying a word, she took over all the general affairs directly, so... Mi Mi is so free now.

Qian Yun frowned, "Okay, let's send her what happened during this period first."

Qian Yun directly cast the spell, said what he wanted to say, and then with a wave, the message turned into a streamer and flew towards the place where Ye Rumu was.

Mimi glanced at it, then withdrew his gaze.

When Ye Rumu received Qianyun's message, he thought that Mimi had already replied to it before, but he didn't think too much about it. After all, what Qianyun said now was more comprehensive.

After thinking about it, Ye Rumu also returned. For some reason, she suddenly wanted to tell her family her whereabouts. In fact, she did the same.

(End of this chapter)

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