Chapter 1882

Of course, Cang Yuan never appeared in front of everyone again. After all, she took the initiative to appear, and what attracted must be the pursuit of her enemies.

Ye Rumu thought for a while, but still wanted to know about Baili Yao's current news.

Sometimes, when no one mentions it, I can only think silently in my heart. Now that this name is mentioned, the longing can't be hidden immediately.

Ye Rumu stopped being entangled and sent it directly to Mi's house.

Thinking of the last time she asked about Jing Xing, Mijia didn't reply, so he frowned, it's impossible for Mijia not to reply?Is something wrong?
Thinking about it, Ye Rumu decided to wait until the reply letter sent back this time came back.

And the person who received the letter over there was still Baili Yao. Seeing that it was sent by Ye Rumu, Baili Yao immediately put aside what he was doing and opened it to read.

Ye Rumu's figure was revealed, and the pre-recorded words were passed on.

"Father, mother, sister, is there any news about Master Jing Xing that I asked last time? How is the family?"

"Also... how is Yang Yan doing recently? What is he doing?"

"Father, mother, I don't know if I should go back."

After Baili Yao finished reading, his hands were shaking with excitement.

At first, I thought that the heartless woman who left as soon as she said she would have forgotten him long ago, but she didn't... She was still in a hurry...

Baili Yao watched it over and over again, and the smile on his face became more and more silly.

After calming down from his excitement, Baili Yao wrote back, "Whether God Jing Xing is safe or not is still unknown. Dier... If you want to come back, just come back."

Baili Yao tried his best to imitate it more like Mimi, and after confirming that there were no other problems, Baili Yao released the letter.

The current Baili Yao is no longer the young master, he is the patriarch...

The rise and fall of the Yang family, honor and disgrace, were all in his hands.

Ye Rumu doesn't like being restrained... What will happen to him when she comes back?
Baili Yao didn't dare to think about it, and continued to deal with affairs silently.

He doesn't want to think about the days without her in the future, so when she comes back, he will definitely not let go!
As for Ye Xiaoye...

The corners of Baili Yao's lips curled slightly, deliberately letting Ye Xiaoye go to the mortal world for a few years, has he grown up now?
So... the position of Patriarch can be inherited, right?

He took the initiative to take over, just to clean up the Yang family, he will clean up those dirty things, and those who try to plot against Ye Rumu and Ye Xiaoye, he will clean up.

And Ye Rumu... can only be his!

It can only be said that Baili Yao didn't want to cheat his son!
After all, it would be difficult to convince the public to let a half-grown child handle the affairs of a family, but when Ye Xiaoye grows taller, this situation will no longer be the case.

As for hand students?He will help Ye Xiaoye, but Baili Yao is afraid that he can't avoid the position of Patriarch!
Thinking about it, I think it's a little funny. I don't know how many people are staring at the position of the head of the Yang family, but only he and Ye Rumu don't like it.

Before meeting Ye Rumu, Baili Yao had already accepted the idea that he would be the head of the Yang family in the future, but after meeting Ye Rumu, everything can change!

Isn't what Ye Rumu wants is a life of wantonness?

He will give, as long as Ye Rumu wants it, he will give it!

Just in time, when everything settles down, you can concentrate on having a baby.

When Ye Rumu received the reply, he didn't think too much about it. If there is no mistake in the calculation,

(End of this chapter)

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