Chapter 1889

But knowing that this was Ye Rumu's intention, Mu Daoyu was moved and nodded in agreement.

After receiving the ten bottles of elixir with strong aura, Mu Daoyu looked at Ye Rumu with admiration. The scene when Ye Rumu and Baili Yao brought little Ye Xiaoye to Twilight Academy was still like yesterday , but in the blink of an eye, so many years have passed.

Thinking of Ye Rumu saying that there are still a lot of pills in the alchemy room, Mu Daoyu's heart warmed up. Ye Rumu was afraid that Twilight Academy would be bullied, and wanted to make Twilight Academy the number one academy, right?
Only the hardest fist can make sense!
In other words, the boxer is the truth!

"I've been doing alchemy since I came back, Dean, I'm going to see what the academy looks like today." Ye Rumu's eyes narrowed, looking at the sunny courtyard, his heart was full of emotion.

She almost forgot about the things when she was young, but her memory from the 21st century to the present is still deep, and her love with Baili Yao seems to have officially started from the Xuanhong Continent.

When we met when we were young, we probably just liked each other.

The premise of love, isn't it like liking?
Only when you like someone can you have the idea of ​​wanting to contact and understand.

"Okay, let's go, you haven't been back for several years, just go and have a look." Mu Daoyu nodded lovingly, and let Ye Rumu go to play by himself.

Ye Rumu nodded with a chuckle. She had been in the fairy world for a few months, and then three years in the 21st century. Five or six years had passed in the world of cultivating immortals.

One day in the sky and one year on the ground are limited to ordinary or non-cultivating continents, such as the Xuanhong Continent and the world of cultivation.

Ye Rumu walked in the familiar academy, and sighed with relief. Before, she never thought that she would come to such a step, but when she thought of the evil spirit sect that she was so afraid of back then, it was only after she arrived in the fairy world that she realized that The evil spirit religion is not that invincible, at least, the evil spirit religion will not easily hurt people.

Hmm...a place that only accepts money.

The gods in the past were all friendly, so how could they come up with a way to exchange heads with money?However, no one knows where the first leader of the Evil Spirit Sect came from, and who is he?

I only know that the power of the leader of the Evil Spirit Sect is against the sky. When the Emperor of Heaven was there, the Evil Spirit Sect kept a low profile and kept silent until the Heavenly Palace was gone...

Ye Rumu narrowed her eyes. She also had a strong interest in the first leader of the Evil Spirit Sect. She wondered if she could find some clues after going back this time?
Ye Rumu was walking, and when he saw a small courtyard, he stopped and was slightly lost in thought.

That was the yard they used to live in. In the past five or six years, it has become a bit old under the wind and rain. There is no one in the yard, and there is no trace of people living in it. Obviously, no one lives there. .

Ye Rumu looked at it for a while, then turned around and left. After reading all about the Twilight Academy, Ye Rumu returned to the temporarily arranged residence satisfied.

There was no one living in the place before for too long, and now there is no way to live in it.

The news of Ye Rumu and Ye Xiaoye's return is only known by the people of Twilight Academy, and after some people know that Ye Rumu is a legend of Twilight Academy, there are groups of young and energetic students outside her residence every day, looking forward to it I want to meet Ye Rumu.

Because Ye Rumu is an alchemist, her mental strength is relatively strong, so she knows when there are people outside.

(End of this chapter)

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