Chapter 196 Already Found
"Besides, princess, Dongxing's big wedding has to pay homage! Unlike our Xiwu marriage, as long as the bride's father entrusts the bridegroom officer to do it." Jia'er told Fengxi what she had heard little by little. .

While talking, Feng Xi put Ye Xiaoye behind her and started to fantasize.

Outside the house, Qingxin saw that she couldn't hear any useful information, so she hurriedly left to tell Ye Rumu and Baili Yao that Ye Xiaoye was in Feng Xie's hands.

As soon as she came out, a hidden guard came over, "Miss Qingxin, the prince and princess are back."

The lord and the prince are back?Qing Xin nodded, and hurried to the Clear Water Courtyard.

"My lord, my lord." Qingxin came in and shouted when she saw Baili Yao and Ye Rumu.

"My lord, have you found the young master!" Qingxin understood Ye Rumu, if she hadn't been found, then she would definitely not come back!Now that he is back, it means that Ye Xiaoye has been found!

Qingxin breathed a sigh of relief, just now she heard that Fengxi was going to be unfavorable to Ye Xiaoye, and her heart was always on the alert.

Young master, she has been in his life since he was not born, she treats Ye Xiaoye with the same pure heart as she treats Ye Rumu.

Ye Rumu knew that Qingxin and the others were also worried about Ye Xiaoye, so he said first: "I have found it, I just brought it back, and Xiaoye has already gone to bed, Qingxin, what do you gain?"

Now that Ye Xiaoye has been found, Ye Rumu already knows who did it, Qingxin also told Ye Rumu and Baili Yao what she heard.

After Ye Rumu listened, her eyes narrowed. It seems that she shouldn't have given Feng Xi the opportunity to enter the Prince Regent's Palace in the first place!However, is Feng Xi right? Hehe, since she has touched her bottom line, then she has to bear the consequences!

"Emperor Xiwu is old, but he hasn't established a crown prince yet. The princes of Xiwu are vying for each other, fighting openly and secretly. Fengxie sent the little princess Fengxi, whom the royal family likes, to Dongxing this time to please Emperor Xiwu. Help Fengxi do it. The thing is, I also want Feng Xi to speak good words for him, Feng Xie is bound to win the crown prince." Baili Yao said lightly.

Ye Rumu narrowed his eyes slightly, did he come here for the crown prince?
Bai Liyao continued: "It was [-]% feasible for him to sit on the crown prince before yesterday, but it will not be after today."

Baili Yao took a sip of the tea.

Obviously looking at the unchanged expression, but Qingxin and Yunfeng felt murderous.

Ye Rumu pulled his lips, and said to Qingxin: "Notify Qingxue to come back. Also, let people pretend to continue looking for Xiaoye, but there is no need to do anything substantive."

"Write to Qing Jue and let him come alone. The others will withdraw from the cabinet and hand over the affairs of the cabinet to Qing Yan."

"Yes, my lord." Qing Xin nodded in response, and went out to do what Ye Rumu asked.

Let them pretend to look for it, and don't let Ye Xiaoye appear in front of everyone. This time, she will take off Feng Xi's mask at once.

At that time, even if there is an imperial edict, Feng Xi can no longer rely on the Regent's Palace.That's right, Ye Rumu no longer has the idea of ​​letting Feng Xi block the group of women in the backyard.It's annoying, but you can do it yourself.After all, the relationship with Baili Yao was not confirmed before, but now it has been confirmed.

To deal with Feng Xi, as long as you make good use of Feng Xi's hobbies, then it will be easy to overthrow Feng Xi, after all, Dongxing is not Xiwu!I can't accept a woman like Fengxi, although this may be normal in Xiwu.

(End of this chapter)

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