Chapter 209 You Are Still Young

"That's the business of Brother Huang." Baili Yao said calmly with no expression on his face.

"You!" Baili Yu was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

"Whether you agree or not, you have to marry! The imperial decree will not be withdrawn!" Bailiyu put down his words.

Baili Yao frowned, got up and left without saying anything.

If he doesn't marry, can someone force him to marry?
When Baili Yao returned to the Green Water Courtyard, seeing the two mother and son arguing not far away, he couldn't help but smile.

"Mother, what about the 100 taels of gold you promised to give me?" Ye Xiaoye smiled, stretched out a chubby little hand, and begged Ye Rumu for gold.

Ye Rumu was puzzled, she looked down at the round-faced little Zhengtai, and asked suspiciously, "What gold?"

When Ye Xiaoye heard it, his eyes widened, and a bad premonition struck...

"It's the 100 taels of gold you promised me by telling me to hide in the room and not come out..." Ye Xiaoye repeated, not even playing tricks.

"Just let you go back to the room and don't come out, and I promise to give you 100 taels of gold? Son, your mother and I are not sick! You must have heard it wrong! Nuo, this is the one tael of silver that your mother promised to give you! "Ye Rumu looked at Ye Xiaoye in disbelief, as if to ask if Ye Xiaoye was dreaming to ask for 100 taels of gold, and then gave Ye Xiaoye a tael of silver.

Then, he gave a serious lesson: "Son, children can't have so much money on them! Here, one tael of silver is enough, go buy candied haws and eat them!"

Ye Xiaoye was crying, how could this happen?He shouldn't have trusted his mother, he didn't know how many times he was tricked!
"Mother~" Ye Xiaoye called out pitifully and coquettishly.

Alas, what a stingy mother, it's fine if you don't give 100 taels of gold, but you only give one tael of silver!
Ye Rumu clapped his hands, looking like he had just remembered something, seeing Ye Xiaoye's bad premonition getting stronger and stronger.

Ye Rumu said: "By the way, son, your mother will keep your private house money for you in the future! I will marry you a wife when you grow up!"

Humph, sample!How dare you ask her for 100 taels of gold?Let's see how she handles this money-obsessed son!

Hearing that the private money was confiscated, Ye Xiaoye was stunned, with his mouth open, as if he had been struck by lightning...

Aww...don't! !His treasure was discovered by his mother again! !Ye Xiaoye burst into tears...

He was weakly making the last effort: "Mother~ Xiaoye can marry a wife by herself in the future~ Don't worry about it~ Can you..."

"Oh, okay, you will marry your own wife in the future. Mother will not worry about you. Speaking of son, you are only so old that you want to marry a wife? Do you have any money? Do you have a house? Do you have a luxurious sedan chair?" Before Ye Xiaoye could return it to me, he was interrupted by Ye Rumu directly, because...Ye Rumu already knew what his next sentence was.

Ye Xiaoye was dumbfounded.

Ye Rumu continued: "No, right? Don't talk without you!"

He he he originally had silver... and there was still a lot of money...

He stared at Ye Rumu with tears in his accusing eyes, Ye Rumu didn't care much, and said earnestly: "Son, you are still young, the most important thing is to practice and study, so that you can do something in the future, don't be old I want to marry a wife! Do you understand?"

Ye Xiaoye: "..."

Who proposed marrying a daughter-in-law?
If I remember correctly, it wasn't him, right?
So wronged...

Every time Ye Rumu opened his mouth, he couldn't refute, alas, he fell into the pit again.

(End of this chapter)

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