Chapter 219 Don't Marry 3
And Baili Yao, who was in the palace, didn't know that he was being missed.

At this time, I heard the secret guard say that there are many people watching the excitement gathered outside the door, and... that woman Feng Xi actually came here by herself in her wedding dress!
Even Baili Yao couldn't help but blush.

And Ye Rumu, the person holding Ye Xiaoye and laughing at the side turned his back on his back.

Ye Rumu suppressed a smile and said: "Prince Regent, Mei Jiao'e has come to the door, why don't you hurry up and go out to meet her!"

Baili Yao stared at Ye Rumu quietly, "Oh."

Then he stepped forward with lightning speed, threw Ye Xiaoye out of the window, and pressed ya on Ye Rumu's body, warm breath spraying on her ears, "Miss, you owe me a lesson."

"Husband! Forgive me!" Ye Rumu laughed itchyly.

Baili Yao's eyes deepened, and he took a bite.

"..." Ye Rumu.

Is it a dog? !
Pushing him away a little, he asked, "Then how do you plan to solve it?"

"I've already told Baili Yu not to marry, but he disagrees, so let him clean up the situation." Baili Yao's tone was light, and he didn't take this matter to heart at all.

His refusal attitude is so obvious, and Feng Xi is allowed to come over, so it has nothing to do with him.

"Hiss, it's another girl whose heart was broken by you!" Ye Rumu also agreed with Baili Yao's approach.

And... At the beginning, I had a brain twitch and took over the imperial decree on behalf of Baili Yao. Ye Rumu felt a little guilty.

With Fengxi's... um...unprecedented and never-before-seen thick-skinned, even Baili Yao and her would go to Feng Xi to tell Feng Xi that they are retiring... Feng Xi would pester her with shamelessness, and Baili Yao, except for Ye Rumu , I hate contact with women the most, so I didn't go to Feng Xi.

I only went to find Bailiyu who made his own decision while he was not in the palace.

At the bottom of Baili Yao's deep eyes, there was gradually tenderness towards Ye Rumu.

It is very easy to fall in love with someone, maybe it only takes a second, a day, or three days.But loving someone takes a lifetime.

Outside the window, the little bun that was thrown out was held in Qing Jue's arms, and he stared at the two inside with resentment...

What a shame!He is still a child!Just don't pay attention! seems crooked!
Just throw him out like this, isn't he his own! the correct way to open it.

"Uncle Qingjue, take this baby and go!" Xiao Baozi said in a vicious childlike voice while holding his tender fists.

Without saying a word, Qing grabbed the little bun by the collar and carried it away...

Xiao Baozi wiped his face with his tender pink hands, he was so bitter... He agreed to hug him!


Outside, Feng Xi looked at the closed door, tears streaming down her face.

She stepped forward and said weakly: "My open the door! Here comes the concubine."

As soon as Feng Xi said this, the crowd was silent for a moment, and everyone's eyes were filled with strange expressions.

This Princess Fengxi called herself a 'concubine' before she entered the door?

This... is unreasonable!

But everyone thought again: "Oh, it's normal to call yourself a 'concubine'. Have you forgotten that Princess Fengxi was pregnant with the prince's child back then!"

As soon as the words came out, Qing Ran quit!

He snorted coldly: "What prince's child, I don't know whose it is! The prince entered the palace that night, yes, but Princess Fengxi stayed in the second prince's mansion and never came out. Hmph, no wonder the prince saw Don't like her, do you like such a woman?"

(End of this chapter)

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