Chapter 225 Don't Marry 9
"Yes, I have!"

Ye Rumu said unexpectedly.

Bailiyu yelled: "Whether there is one after all, you have to think about it!"

"This... Your Majesty sent over a dozen eunuchs that day, and the eunuch who took the lead was arrogant and disrespectful to this princess. His backer must be you, the emperor, right? This princess would like to ask the emperor why he passed on a Does the imperial decree require such a big ostentation?" Except that she originally wanted to use Feng Xi's hand to block the women in the backyard when receiving the imperial decree, everything else was true.

As soon as Ye Rumu's words came out, the next one was immediately fried.

It turned out to be true!
So that means the marriage was just a misunderstanding?
Ye Rumu continued: "Even if the eunuch didn't disrespect my princess, I would still pick her up! Because he said, Your Majesty, you want me to pick you up by name. Originally, this princess wondered why the prince wanted to marry me. My concubine came to pick her up, so it turns out..." Her eyes glanced at each of them, the meaning was obvious.

Everyone could guess what she was going to say.

"Those dog slaves! One thing in front of me and another thing outside! Princess, I don't know about this matter, but don't worry, since I already know, I will definitely give you an explanation!" Baili Yu looked at He looked as if he was very angry, but in fact he was just acting for others to see.

Born in the palace of an ancient mansion, he was born with good acting skills.

"So good."

"My concubine is really understanding, brother, you are so lucky." Baili Yu smiled teasingly at Baili Yao.

Then he said: "I did something wrong before, but Princess Fengxi is not wrong. Brother, Princess Fengxi has good looks and conduct, and has a noble status. Isn't it better that you married my brother? Haha, Princess Fengxi is so outstanding , I want to marry you. It's a pity that people have their eyes on you."

As soon as Bailiyu finished speaking, he felt that Feng Xi in his arms was even stronger.
Being close to him, he felt even more proud immediately.

"Then marry the emperor." Baili Yao said directly following Baili Yu's words.

"This king only holds one wedding in this life."

It means that Feng Xi can enter the mansion if she wants, but as a concubine.

Originally, he had no intention of letting this woman enter the mansion, but if he did too much, Xiwu would definitely go to war with Dongxing!
Although Dongxing is a little stronger than Xiwu, it is the common people who suffer in the war.

If Feng Xi wanted to die by himself, he would throw her in the backyard with the group of women whom he didn't even know but who were his concubines.

Moreover, Feng Xi wanted to kill his son, he couldn't just let it go!
Thinking about it, Baili Yao's eyes became sharper and colder.

The person he takes a glance at is like falling into an ice cave!

It was supposed to be a concubine, and there was no wedding yet, not to mention that Feng Xi quit, Feng Xie would not agree.

Feng Xie snorted coldly: "Since this is the case, Xi'er, let's go! Go back to Xiwu tomorrow, don't suffer here!"

"Brother Huang, I will find you a better husband!"

After finishing speaking, she went to pull Fengxi, but Fengxi still didn't want to leave, she shook her head and cried:
"Sister Wangfei, it is clear that the prince wants to marry me, did you do something to make the prince change his mind? Huh..."

"My concubine has no grievances with you. Why do you want to make the prince not marry you? Could it be that you have done something wrong to my concubine to think that this concubine will deal with you? Princess Fengxi, I can't think of it." You still have persecution paranoia!"

(End of this chapter)

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