Chapter 231 Don't Marry 15
Everyone couldn't help looking at Feng Xie.I don't know why, but my intuition is to look at Feng Xie.

Princess Fengxi admitted to herself what happened to Bailiyu. Bailiyu's face turned dark and purple when he heard it: "What nonsense are you talking about! How could I do such a thing! Don't spit on people! Don't think you are Xi My princess can talk nonsense!"

Feng Xie immediately stood in front of Feng Xi, and said with a sneer, "Hehe, does Emperor Dongxing dare to act or not? Why are you angry at my prince's sister! This is the truth!"

"Hehe..." Baili Yu stopped talking, and he said, "Would I want a woman like Princess Feng Xi who is unclean and self-loving and has countless men? I have three thousand beauties in my harem, do you want anything?"

Feng Xie also darkened her face: "Who do you say is unclean and self-respecting?!"

"Of course it's you! You, you, and you!" The little eunuch next to Bailiyu immediately spoke after receiving Bailiyu's order.

After all, it would be very embarrassing for an emperor to scold others in front of the people!Bad for his image.

"This princess has seen through you Dongxing people! Huh... Brother Huang, let's go!"

"Stop them!" Bailiyu said coldly.

Even if Xiwu wanted to fight Dongxing with them, so what!He's not afraid of Xiwu anymore!And just now the common people also heard what he said for the sake of the common people, I believe the common people will understand him, and this incident was originally caused by Baili Yao, when the time comes, everyone will only think of the consequences caused by the war, and it's all Baili Yao's fault !


Ye Rumu and Bai Liyao said about the scolding war caused here... It's very enjoyable to watch!
The two of them have completely become members of the melon-eating crowd.

"Bailiyu, do you want to fight against me, Xiwu?" He said coldly, looking at the group of powerful imperial guards standing in front of him.

"I just hope to have a good talk with Prince Fengxie. Of course, if Prince Fengxie doesn't listen to anything, then I won't be able to say anything. However, Xiwu is not as strong as my Dongxing in terms of national strength or military strength. What else does Prince Fengxie threaten me with?"

Bailiyu sneered, and looked at Feng Xie with disdain.

A little prince can't plan to replace a country, let alone, even if he can replace them, he can't defeat them Dongxing!Why threaten him?It's ridiculous!
"There's nothing to talk about! You, Dongxing, are too deceitful. Father will definitely not let you go! Bailiyu, you know what my prince's sister wants! As long as you give it to her, then this prince can forget about it! "

Onlookers: "..."

These two people were threatening each other, but it seemed that Feng Xie had already lowered his head a little, but he still spoke in a charitable tone.

Everyone knows what Dongxing's confidence is!The country is rich and the people are strong!

What about Xiwu?What is the confidence?
Everyone despised him for a while, and dared to threaten others without any confidence?Did you take the wrong medicine?
"What a let bygones be bygones! I really don't need you to let bygones be bygones. You have to go back and tell Emperor Xiwu, so please do it!" Baili Yu wasn't frightened, except for Baili Yao, he hadn't failed to reach the goal. the goal of!

And Conan Shuang, who just married to Xiwu, has been forgotten by everyone. If the two countries go to war, those princesses who came here to marry will bear the brunt of it and will be used as the first knife!

"Hmph! Xi'er, let's go!"

Fengxi and Fengxie left, Bailiyu left after a while, Ye Rumu and Baili Yao turned back.

[I will update steadily next month. ]
(End of this chapter)

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