Chapter 233
"How is Ye Wensheng treating you?" Baili Yao asked seeing Ye Rumu frowning.

According to the information he surveyed, it was Ye Rumu's daughter Ye Wensheng loved the most, but it is still unknown.After all, that too could be false.What happened, only Ye Rumu knew.

But she was not very happy to see her just now. It seems that life in Ye's house is not satisfactory?

Indeed, if it was the original owner, she would have a good life on the surface, but all the aunts and concubines could bully her behind the scenes.At the beginning, Baili Yao didn't investigate carefully, so it's normal not to know. After all, he just wanted to know who the married person was, and he didn't like him at that time.

"It's okay." For her who had never had a father, it was really good.

"It's good for you." Baili Yao looked at her and said seriously.

He will be nice to her too.

Ye Rumu smiled, she stepped forward suddenly, and quickly kissed Baili Yao's handsome face.

The color of Baili Yao's eyes suddenly deepened, and the black eyes were like smudged ink, a little blurred.

Want to escape after kissing him?It's not that easy!

Baili Yao put his hand around her waist, clasped the back of her head with one hand, and kissed her deeply.

The love is so deep that lips and teeth depend on each other.

Because Ye Wensheng was coming, Baili Yao let go of Ye Rumu not long after.

Ye Rumu's eyes were a little blurred, she gave Baili Yao a coquettish look, she was so lawless in broad daylight!
"Heh..." Baili Yao chuckled, licked his thin lips, and Ye Rumu's eyes almost straightened.

I knew Baili Yao was evil, but this action of adding lips... really wants to make people fall.

"Husband, I really want to throw you down." Ye Rumu's eyes were like wolves.

It seemed as if they had switched identities with Baili Yao.

Baili Yao raised his eyebrows: "You are welcome to throw yourself down."

Ye Rumu swallowed.

Why is it that even a raised eyebrow made her feel extremely ecstatic.

Such evildoers are simply inviting people to commit crimes!

"Kukou" knocked on the door, and they knew it was Marven Ye, so they didn't continue talking.

"Come in." Baili Yao said lightly.

The door was opened from the outside, Qing Xin walked in with a businessman's air, about forty years old.

"I've met the prince and concubine." This person was Ye Wensheng. After he entered, he saluted them.

Although he is Ye Rumu's father, Ye Rumu is now a princess, and Ye Wensheng is still a commoner, so he has to salute his daughter.

But kneeling and saluting can be avoided. When other people see members of the royal family, they must kneel to salute.

"Father, don't be too polite, come and sit down." Ye Rumu stood up and said to Ye Wensheng.

Then told Qingxin: "Qingxin, go make tea."

"Yes, Miss." Qing Xin agreed, then turned around and went out to make tea.

Ye Wensheng didn't sit down, he said: "The grassroots dare not."

Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows, "Father, don't look outside, I'm still your daughter."

"This..." Ye Wensheng still didn't dare to sit down, he looked at Baili Yao with some trepidation.

Baili Yao is the most honorable emperor in Dongxing except Baili Yu, the emperor. Let him sit in the same room with Bai Liyao, and I always feel that the atmosphere is polluted.

Although, that person is already his son-in-law.

However, Ye Wensheng didn't dare to call him son-in-law directly.

"Father-in-law, please sit down, just treat the palace as your own home." Baili Yao could see that Ye Wensheng was jealous of him, so he spoke in person.

"Thank you, my lord." Ye Wensheng cupped his hands before going to sit down.

(End of this chapter)

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