Chapter 251 Martial Arts Conference 12
Although no one has seen Yue Xuan make a move yet, Yue Xuan's age is still there.

"Pavilion Master Yuexuan, do you dare to come with me?" Zhang Yong looked at Ye Rumu proudly after thinking about it.

"There's nothing you dare not do, okay." Ye Rumu pursed her lips and agreed.

It just so happens that I haven't exercised my muscles and bones for several days, so it's also good to exercise my tibia with Zhang Yong.

Zhang Yong sneered, hehe, he was really young, so he was hooked so quickly.

"Since I proposed it, then, the master of the Yuexuan Pavilion will decide the rules! lest others say that I bully the little milk baby. Haha." In the eyes of Zhang Yong and others, it is indeed Ye Rumu who is the youngest , looks like the weakest person.

Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows, "Since you said the rules, that's good. They are all people in the world, so be bold, and don't stipulate so many twists and turns, just fight directly! If you win, the director of the pavilion You deal with it. If the owner of this pavilion wins, you have to pay me Yuexuan Pavilion 100 million taels of gold."

As soon as Ye Rumu's words came out, Zhang Yong's expression changed.

One million taels of gold?Just kidding!

"Pavilion Master Yuexuan, are you kidding me? One million taels of gold? You might as well go and rob the treasury!"

"Heh, 100 million taels of gold may seem unimaginable to others, but to us people in the Jianghu, it's just a trivial matter. This... Brother Zhang, you won't be unable to get it out, right?" Ye Rumu said. The corner of the mouth pulled a smile, in Zhang Yong's view, he was laughing at him.

"Who said I can't get it out! Okay! I can promise you, but if you say I win, you promise me everything, right?" Zhang Yong asked.

It's just that he was shocked when he heard it for the first time. He still has a net worth of 100 million taels of gold, and there is no way he will lose!

"Okay! But what you say is unfounded!" Zhang Yong is still not satisfied, what if Yuexuan loses this time and plays tricks?
He knew that Yue Xuan would lose 100% of the time, so it would be safer to make a written statement.

Ye Rumu looked at the green hills and trees all over the mountain, and raised his eyebrows: "In the wilderness, what does Brother Zhang think to feel safe?"

"Of course it's written evidence!" Zhang Yong looked at Ye Rumu contemptuously, didn't he know?
The corner of Ye Rumu's mouth twitched, what happened to Zhang Yong's contemptuous gaze?

Seeing that Zhang Yong still had the same expression, Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows and asked, "It's in the wilderness, how does Brother Zhang want to establish evidence?"

Is the wilderness she mentioned just for nothing? Zhang Yong didn't listen to it at all.

"What's so difficult about this?"

After Zhang Yong finished speaking, he immediately tore off a corner of the clothes, bit his own fingers, and wrote each word on the torn clothes.

After Zhang Yong finished writing, he pressed his fingerprint and handed it to Ye Rumu: "Pavilion Master Yuexuan, it's your turn."

Ye Rumu glanced at Zhang Yong's bloody hand, "This pavilion master is afraid of pain."

There is no need to be afraid of pain, but who would want to be injured and bleed for no reason!

No matter how big or small the wound is, it won't be so stupid.

"Hehe, I never imagined that the master of the Yuexuan Pavilion, a man of seven feet, would be afraid of a little pain? Pavilion Master Yuexuan, are you joking?" Zhang Yong said mockingly.

A big man actually said he was afraid of pain?

Funny or not?
Others also laughed.

Only Baili Yao's mouth twitched.

However, he knew that Ye Rumu's love for money was exactly the same as Ye Xiaoye's, so without saying anything, he took out the dagger and cut his finger, staining Ye Rumu's finger with blood.

(End of this chapter)

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