Chapter 254 Martial Arts Conference 15
Isn't this stupid!
When he wins, if he wants all the assets of Yuexuan Pavilion directly, then no one can say anything!

There is written evidence to prove it!
Zhang Yong's mood is now so happy that he is about to fly!
"Pavilion Master Yuexuan, I have accepted it!" Zhang Yong looked happy, as if Ye Rumu had already lost to him.

"Accept." Ye Rumu also said.

As soon as the words fell, the figure rushed towards Zhang Yong like a gust of wind.

The habits of agents are fast, accurate and ruthless, never fancy.

Zhang Yong was startled, and quickly dodged to dodge!

My god, who can tell him why Pavilion Master Yuexuan's speed is so fast?

Just the first move made Zhang Yong not sure if he could win.

It turns out that Yue Xuan is really that powerful!

But isn't Yuexuan only around twenty?Why is it so powerful?
Originally, Zhang Yong thought that he was twice as old as Ye Rumu, and he could still stand at a lower price, but now it seems!well!

He underestimated Ye Rumu!

Thus, the duel between the two became Ye Rumu's attack and Zhang Yong's dodge!
Everyone was astonished, but at the same time excited!

Ye Rumu's greeting wasn't fancy, so I wouldn't be disgusted by it!

They are all straightforward people, and they don't like to look fancy!It's not a charming girl!

In just a short while, the scales in everyone's hearts have already tilted towards Ye Rumu, because... this match is completely crushing!
Zhang Yong has no power to retaliate!

I really don't know how much power is hidden in Pavilion Master Yuexuan's body which is thinner than the average man!
Everyone looked nervous for Zhang Yong, but at the same time looked down on Zhang Yong.

Just now, I thought that I was invincible because of my age, but now?He was obviously being hanged and beaten by others!

Can not bear to look!

The corners of Baili Yao's lips curled up slightly, and his eyes were getting hotter and hotter as he watched Ye Rumu, his princess is just amazing.

Of course, some people paid attention to Baili Yao.

Now seeing Baili Yao's eyes looking so hot at Pavilion Master Yuexuan, the people who noticed Baili Yao felt terrified...

The whole body is creepy...

Oh my god, I really guessed right, the regent king and the master of the Yuexuan pavilion really have some kind of unspeakable secret!

The princess regent in the prince regent's mansion is really pitiful!
I heard that the Prince Regent still has many concubines, and those women are so pitiful, it would be great if I gave them all!
Oh...the final thought is what they are for.

Ye Rumu didn't want to play anymore, so he ended the fight immediately.

Ye Rumu's sword rested on Zhang Yong's neck, "Zhang Yong, admit defeat?"

"Admit defeat, admit defeat!" Zhang Yong said hastily.

What's the use of not admitting defeat if you can't fight again and again!
It's just that the expression is very painful, oh my god, 100 million taels of gold, I want to empty out my family's wealth!

"Okay, after the 100 million taels of gold and other things are completed, you can send someone to Yuexuan Pavilion." Ye Rumu took the sword away, feeling very happy.

I made another 100 million taels of gold, and it was still delivered to my door, so I can’t do without it!

"That... Lord of the Yuexuan Pavilion, I don't know where the Yuexuan Pavilion is, how can I send it to you?" Zhang Yong asked.

"I'll give you the address when the time comes." Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows and said.

The location of Yuexuan Pavilion cannot be revealed, it is a special headquarters.

At that time, just ask Zhang Yong to send the gold to the Dongxing Branch Pavilion.

"Okay..." Zhang Yong felt extremely pained.

But what people in the world pay attention to is credit. If you say something, you have to die and set up a written proof, what else can you do?
(End of this chapter)

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