Chapter 259 Martial Arts Conference 20
Wait ten years and you will still have the opportunity to participate in the martial arts conference and strive to be the leader of the ten-year alliance. "

"At that time, I was in my seventies and eighties, so let's pass these opportunities to the younger generation, haha."

They were chatting happily, but they didn't see the man who had questioned him back away quietly, and finally hid in the dense bushes.


"What do you think the poisonous wolf sect intends this time?" After leaving the group of people and walking to a remote place, Ye Rumu asked.

"I'm afraid it's the same as what the lady thinks."

"Miss, don't think so much, let's go to Shendaomen first." Baili Yao couldn't guess what the Poisonous Wolf Cult wanted to do, so he simply ignored it.

"Oops!" Ye Rumu suddenly raised his voice and exclaimed, "If the members of the Poison Wolf Cult didn't sneak up on them because they wanted them to suspect us, now that we're gone, they won't be in danger, right? ?”

Baili Yao thought for a while and said, "No."


"If they are killed, who will pass the information to others?" If they tried their best to do this, they must hope that those who met the two of them would pass it on. The two of them are spies. , wouldn't that be a waste of time.

"That's true." Though thinking this way, Ye Rumu still felt a little uneasy, as if someone was manipulating all this behind the scenes, and had a pair of eyes staring at them all the time.

However, if this is a trick of the Poisonous Wolf Cult, then it can be called manipulation.

"Miss, don't think too much, there is a small town ahead, let's go and have a rest."

Ye Rumu looked over, and indeed saw the faint appearance of a town, so he nodded.

"My lord, let's hide our identities." Ye Rumu suggested.

Her clothes are too weird.

In the past, Yuexuan's identity appeared mostly at night, so it doesn't matter what you do, as long as you can hide your identity, but now... a bit scary.

The whole body is pitch black, and there is a black cloak covering the head.

And Baili Yao is much more normal, dressed in a luxurious black robe, with a gorgeous face...

Baili Yao glanced at Ye Rumu's clothes, "It's time to change."

It's best to change into women's clothes, so that you don't have to attract everyone's attention when you hug her in front of people.

"Change into women's clothes, men's clothes are too ugly."

"You despise me?" Ye Rumu narrowed his eyes dangerously, as if as long as Baili Yao said something that disliked him, he would pounce on him and bite him!Yes... that's right!Yes bite!

Baili Yao let out a sigh of relief, "I don't dislike you for my husband, but, lady, it's too weird for two big men to embrace each other. For the sake of my husband's reputation, I hope my lady will change back into women's clothes." Something to do now.

"You still have a reputation?" Ye Rumu's words were full of doubts.


"Aha, you're right, for your reputation, you'll change it when you get to the town." Ye Rumu immediately changed his words when he heard such a profound monophonic word.

"My lady, be good!"


She is not a child!


When they arrived in the town, Ye Rumu and Baili Yao settled down in an inn. Fortunately, Ye Rumu was still wearing women's clothes. After entering the room, he changed into men's clothes and tore off the human skin mask.

If word spread that Yuexuan Pavilion Master is a woman, it would be shocking.

After all, Yuexuan is so powerful and has developed Yuexuan Pavilion so well in a short period of time.
(End of this chapter)

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