Chapter 273 Martial Arts Conference 34
Ye Rumu talked about her guess, but how did she know that Baili Yao had already been targeted by another woman!Of course, he won't continue to hurt him. Those sneak attacks in front were just trying to test Baili Yao, and the result was very satisfactory to the saint.

Baili Yao also couldn't figure out the intention of the Poisonous Wolf Sect, "Let's not talk about this for now, Pavilion Master Yuexuan, you will follow me closely later."

Baili Yao was a little worried about Ye Rumu. Although he knew that Ye Rumu had martial arts and was very powerful, but there were too many people now, and it was easy to hurt her.

Seeing Baili Yao's worry, Ye Rumu raised his eyebrows and said, "Okay, don't worry about me. I can handle it."

Although he spoke lightly, there was always a bit of dignity.

What Jun Moli said is right, there are not many people who can be used in the Jianghu now!

Baili Yao didn't speak, but looked at Ye Rumu burningly.

"What's wrong?" Ye Rumu looked at Baili Yao puzzled.

"Nothing." Baili Yao shook his head.

"..." He kept looking at her for nothing!
"Okay, let's go too."

"it is good."

In fact, Ye Rumu and Baili Yao were not in any team, and Jun Moli seemed to have forgotten about them.

Also forgotten are Feng Xi and Feng Xie.

Seeing Baili Yao and Ye Rumu leave, Feng Xi hurriedly pulled Feng Xie and said, "Brother Huang, let's follow!"

But Feng Xie didn't want to move, no matter how Feng Xi pulled it, it was useless.

"Brother Emperor?" Feng Xi was a little angry, because Feng Xie lost the chain at a critical moment.

"Xi'er, you stay here and wait for Brother Huang to come back, it's too dangerous over there, I don't want to go with you." Feng Xie dissuaded.

"Does the emperor think it's safe to keep Xi'er here? Are you sure that the Poisonous Wolf Sect will not come here? What will Xi'er do then? Xi'er doesn't have martial arts! Brother Huang, let me Xi'er follows you, you can still protect Xi'er!"

"Xi'er, don't be stupid! Do you think Baili Yao will really protect you? Be obedient, Brother Huang won't be able to protect you well then."

Like Baili Yao, Baili Yao can only be subdued by trampling Dongxing, otherwise, Baili Yao won't listen to Feng Xi's words!

And Feng Xie was always worried, if Baili Yao was really so heartless later on, wouldn't Xi'er be in danger?
And Baili Yao didn't seem to be a person who would take pity on Xiangxiang and cherish jade, and nine times out of ten he would not care about Fengxi, he knew this very well!
It's just that Feng Xi can't see clearly!

"Xi'er! Be obedient, don't be self-willed, let someone here protect you for your brother." Feng Xie was not willing to show face to Feng Xi, so she could only persuade her with nice words.

"I don't! Brother Huang, if you don't take me there, I'll go by myself!" Feng Xi snorted coldly and turned around aggrieved.

"Hey... I really can't do anything about you, so let's go quickly! Let's talk about it first, you have to listen to what your brother tells you, and don't act recklessly!" Feng Xie warned.

Swords have no eyes, if she could, she wouldn't want to bring Feng Xi here at all!
Who knew that Feng Xi would only be depressed for a few days when she went back, and then she would be revived with full blood. At that time, she didn't know if she still liked Baili Yao.

But after hearing that Baili Yao would come, she followed without hesitation.

Feng Xie also felt helpless, but there was nothing she could do!This is his most beloved and closest sister!

"Thank you, Brother Huang! I promise to be obedient!" Feng Xi promised.

"Okay, let's go!" Feng Xie said and was about to walk in the opposite direction of Baili Yao.

Feng Xi hurriedly grabbed Feng Xie: "Brother Huang, it's this side!"

(End of this chapter)

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