Chapter 280 Martial Arts Conference 41
At the same time, I am also glad that I am carrying it with me!

Baili Yao didn't ask any more questions, but Ye Rumu's ability to have ice silk is still very surprising. Good silk thread, silk thread that can be used as a weapon is hard to find, but ice silk thread is even more difficult to find!

If he hadn't seen it before, Baili Yao wouldn't even know it, but it was ice silk thread.

His princess not only has many secrets, but is also remarkable.

Baili Yao sighed.

However, from the first time he met Ye Rumu and Ye Rumu saved him, he never felt that Ye Rumu was simple.

How can a person with a water spirit bead be so simple!
It was him, who had searched for many years but could not find it!
"This cave has a secret way!" Ye Rumu's voice pulled Baili Yao back to his thoughts.

Baili Yao walked towards Ye Rumu, and sure enough, he saw the secret passage in the dark cave.

Ordinary caves are only about the size of one hole, but now this one actually has a secret passage!
The two glanced at each other, as if they could see the interest in each other's eyes, "Go and have a look."

Baili Yao spoke.

"Well, let's go." Ye Rumu said and wanted to go in.

Baili Yao held her back, "Later."

Under Ye Rumu's puzzled eyes, Baili Yao walked to the edge of the cliff, broke a dead log back, and started a fire with the spark stone he was carrying.

But even if it is dead wood, it is difficult to ignite without something to ignite.

Ye Rumu already knew what Baili Yao wanted to do when he saw this.

There are some withered grass in the cave, long, it looks like the birds picked it up when they built their nests, Ye Rumu picked it up one by one, and handed it to Baili Yao: "My lord, you can't light it like that, here ,Try this!"

Baili Yao nodded, took the dry grass from Ye Rumu's hand, surrounded the dead wood, and tried to light the fire again.

This time, it really went much smoother!

"My lord, you don't know how to light a fire, what are you doing with the Martian stone?" Ye Rumu asked a little strangely.

Martian stone is a kind of special stone that is used to make fire. It takes two stones to collide to rub sparks, but it is difficult to ignite.

But in ancient times, it was good to have something ignited.

"I thought it might be useful, so I took it with me." Baili Yao didn't explain too much why he brought two Martian stones with him.

It's not that he doesn't know how to use it, but the torches in the army are all well-made and easy to light. It's the first time he makes a torch in the wild, and he doesn't know how to do it.

If it wasn't for Ye Rumu's reminder, he could keep lighting the fire there until it ignites.

The corners of Ye Rumu's lips twitched slightly, well, this is also a precautionary measure, has it been used soon?

After the torch was lit, Baili Yao stretched out his hand in front of Ye Rumu. Ye Rumu knew what it meant and put his hand on his.

There is no danger here yet, Baili Yao is very cautious, if there is any danger, he can protect Ye Rumu immediately.

"I don't know where the passage can go here. Could it be that this is not a secret passage, but a cave dug a little deeper?" Ye Rumu was very suspicious.

In fact, after living two lifetimes, it was the first time for her to visit the cave, so she was somewhat curious.

"I don't know, let's take a look first." Baili Yao could only reply like that.

He hadn't been to any caves either.

As the honorable regent of Dongxing Kingdom, if it wasn't for this time, he wouldn't have had the chance to come to such a place.

"Yeah." Ye Rumu nodded, it's useless to say more now, I can only go and see for myself.

(End of this chapter)

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