Chapter 282 Falling into the Dwarves 2
"Okay." Ye Rumu didn't refuse, she never tried to be aggressive.

It was a foolish thing to do, she couldn't move a step without the torch.

After the two had finished talking, they began to grope each side.

The spirit beads on his body only had a faint light, which was not enough for people to see in the dark.

Although the light of this crude torch is not very strong, it can be seen at least a little.

Ye Rumu illuminated the stone wall in front of him inch by inch to check. Generally speaking, the switch would not be too far from the door!
"Boom..." Suddenly, the stone wall at the end rose up!
Ye Rumu turned around sharply, and was relieved to see that Baili Yao over there did it.

"Have you found the mechanism?" Ye Rumu asked as he walked.

"Well, it should be this." Baili Yao gave up his body to let Ye Rumu see more clearly.

There is a three-finger-sized, inconspicuous dent in the organ!

"How did you find this out?" Ye Rumu was surprised, Baili Yao had seen such faint traces!
"I clicked it by accident." Baili Yao replied.

"..." This is all right!

"Shall we go in?" The stone wall was opened, but the front was still dark, and I didn't know what was ahead.

"Let's go." Now that you have come in, you have to go to the end.

When they fell just now, they discovered that there was an abyss below them!You can't see the bottom, and it's unrealistic to look up. If you want to go out, you can only walk through this place to have a look!

"Okay." Ye Rumu also understood this truth.

If it wasn't deep below, there was absolutely no need for him to come in here.

Just wait for the line to land slowly when it is almost to the bottom.

But if it's too deep, she can't do that.

Let's not talk about what's below after going down, I'm afraid it will be separated into persimmons by the wind blowing from both sides after falling so high.

After opening the blocking stone wall, after entering inside, the wall is no longer empty, this time, there are murals on the wall!
"There's something on the wall." Baili Yao reminded.

Ye Rumu was surprised and asked, "What is it?"

Baili Yao didn't see clearly before, but after hearing Ye Rumu's question, he held the torch closer, "It's a mural."

"What mural?"

Baili Yao studied the meeting carefully, "Lady, have you ever heard that there were dwarves in this world?"

Ye Rumu shook his head, let alone her, even the original owner didn't know.

"Dwarves, what kind of family is it?" Just hearing about dwarves, Ye Rumu thought of the kind of dwarves.

This is about the same height as a dwarf.

But dwarves are not necessarily inherited, the dwarf family is 100% dwarves!

Baili Yao answered Ye Rumu while looking at the murals, "It is said that in ancient times, there were not only human races in the world, but also fairy races, god races, demon races, dragon races, phoenix races, elves races, mermaid races, cannibal races, There was also a dwarf race. Later, other races disappeared one by one. Some people said that it was just a legend, and some said it was true."

Ye Rumu found it incredible.

But there are such things as crossing, so why is it so strange if there really are those races?
"I will tell you about the other races later. Among them, the dwarf race is the closest race to humans, but the dwarf race is short in stature and is bullied by the human race. The dwarf race has no choice but to hide it. Originally, other After all races have disappeared,
(End of this chapter)

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