Peerless Princess: Pit Niang Meng Bao Monster Evil Father

Chapter 291 Falling into the Dwarves 12

Chapter 291 Falling into the Dwarves 12
Ye Rumu has never believed in this kind of thing, but it's not completely unbelievable... After all, time travel, there are seniors who have time travel, and there are even time and space machines!

Ye Rumu felt that things in this world had overturned her worldview.

After walking for a day, the two found a sand dune to rest at night. The temperature in the desert is high during the day and below zero at night!Fortunately, Ye Rumu had a fire dragon ball on his body. The lower the temperature of the fire dragon ball, the higher the temperature it radiated, so it was all right after a night.

Ye Rumu knows how to store water in the desert, that's all from hearsay on the Internet, but she doesn't have any tools now.

The two of them are saving money, and when they run out of water, in the desert, water is more precious than food!

There is only two or three days worth of water and food, and it has been a day now. At this rate, they still can't find a place to stay.

Ye Rumu yearned for the desert in her previous life, but after this time, she will never come to the desert again in her life!

"Desert fox!" Suddenly, Ye Rumu saw a fox with the same color as the yellow sand not far away.

If it wasn't for the fox moving around, Ye Rumu really wouldn't have noticed it!

"What's that?" Baili Yao also noticed.

Desert fox?Never heard of it, and, is that a fox?
Ye Rumu explained in a low voice, "The desert fox is a unique animal in the desert. If there is a desert fox, it means that there is a water source nearby! Baili Yao, let's follow it."

"Hmm." Baili Yao didn't have any questions.

The two followed the desert fox and walked through the sand dunes, but the desert fox didn't intend to stop. If they didn't stop, it meant they didn't find a place with water. Baili Yao and Ye Rumu didn't make any noise. Followed carefully at a close distance.

Ye Rumu was originally a master of stalking. She used to be an assassination target so powerful that as long as she was following her, there was no possibility of her surviving!
Now, let alone just following a fox.

However, the fox is a very cunning animal, once found, it is very difficult to track it.

Moreover, fearing that the desert is usually too quiet, the desert fox has already relaxed its vigilance.

It walked around and played in front of it, not in a hurry at all.

After walking with the desert fox for a day, I finally saw a little bit of green in the distance!

"Desert oasis!" Ye Rumu couldn't help but say.

As soon as Ye Rumu's words fell, the little fox seemed to have discovered them, and turned around suddenly. After seeing the two unfamiliar faces, the desert fox screamed and ran away.

I have to say that the squeaky scream of the desert fox is very harsh.

Baili Yao also saw a bit of greenery ahead, and asked, "Is that the desert oasis?"

Ye Rumu nodded, "There are plants in the desert oasis, and the plants can live so well, they usually have water sources! Let's go there!"

Ye Rumu is not worried at all that it is a mirage. If a person finds it by himself, it may not be a desert oasis, but animals living in the desert know oasis very well!Will not go to the place of the mirage!
Moreover, the frightened fox ran in the direction of the oasis.

It's just a pity that I accidentally alarmed the desert fox, otherwise, I could cook a roasted fox and eat it.

Ye Rumu thought unkindly.

"Okay." Baili Yao nodded as he said.

(End of this chapter)

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