Peerless Princess: Pit Niang Meng Bao Monster Evil Father

Chapter 294 Falling into the Dwarves 16

Chapter 294 Falling into the Dwarves 16
In order to prevent future generations from living with hatred, he has always concealed his deep hatred with human beings, and only told the patriarchs of the past generations.

So this matter, only the patriarch knows!The other dwarves don't understand anything, they only know that there is a kind of human who looks like them in this world, but they have never seen it.

All the dwarves retreated, only the patriarch remained at the front.

It is his duty to protect all the dwarves!
Ye Rumu came out and said sincerely: "You are the patriarch of the dwarves, right? We have no malicious intentions here, but want to seek your help."

The old man narrowed his eyes, "We have lived here for generations, how can we help you! You should leave quickly, and don't come here again!"

The old man knew that perhaps none of them could beat these two human men and women, so he chose to settle the matter peacefully. As long as they were willing to leave, he would not let the tribe do anything.

Their tribe has gradually decreased in recent years, and they can no longer stand the toss.

However, this is just the idea of ​​the dwarf patriarch.

Ye Rumu came here to ask them for directions, and they didn't know how to get out at all.

"Patriarch, can you deny this map?" Ye Rumu took out a map from his body and handed it to the dwarf patriarch.

The dwarf patriarch looked familiar, and looked at Ye Rumu suspiciously, "What is this?"

"You'll know it after you read it." Ye Rumu felt that the things and words left by the time-traveling senior should not be fake, if they were fake, then it would be too cheating!
The old man stepped forward to take it with short legs, and opened it suspiciously. After seeing the pattern on the map, he was stunned for a moment!
"You... Are you her descendant?" The old man opened his mouth and finally asked.

Ye Rumu knew that the old man was talking about her, maybe it was the time traveler who left the map, if so, she is actually a descendant, isn't she?One travels early, one travels late!
Ye Rumu replied: "Yes!"

The dwarf patriarch stroked the map and murmured: "The ancestor said, that person said, there will definitely be descendants, and there is nothing wrong with it."

Ye Rumu's heart skipped a beat. That senior time traveler knew she would come?

The dwarf patriarch put away his thinking expression for a moment, and said with a straight face, "I want to ask you two questions! If you answer all the questions correctly, then I will believe you!"

Ye Rumu agreed, "Okay."

"First, where are you from?"

from where……

Ye Rumu instantly thought, the place that the senior time traveler said was the place where he was before time travel!
So without the slightest hesitation, he said, "Earth."

Seeing the momentary surprise of the dwarf patriarch, Ye Rumu curled her lips, and she knew that she had answered correctly.

At this time, the patriarch of the dwarves has actually dispelled Ye Rumu's doubts, but it is a rule to ask a few questions, and now he is waiting for her descendants, so he has to follow the rules and ask all the questions, "Second, two hundred and five is What's the meaning?"

After the dwarf patriarch asked, he looked at Ye Rumu expectantly.

He also wants to know this question!Because of this question, that person didn't leave an answer, but said, if any human can answer something different from what all of them thought, that would be the answer!
This problem has troubled him for more than 30 years.

The corners of Ye Rumu's eyes twitched, who came up with such a question!

"It means fool."

(End of this chapter)

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