Peerless Princess: Pit Niang Meng Bao Monster Evil Father

Chapter 297 Falling into the Dwarves 19

Chapter 297 Falling into the Dwarves 19
Kekaluluxi looked dignified and pious.

He clasped his hands together, bowed to the cabinet, and then stretched out his hand to press on the flat surface of the cabinet!
The place that was held down by Kokarulushi immediately dented a point of origin!
Immediately afterwards, open the cabinet from both sides!A small hole appeared in front of the two of them.

But Kaluluxi crawled in and turned in, not forgetting to remind Ye Rumu, "Rumu, follow up!"

Ye Rumu: "..."

Looking at the hole in front of her that was smaller than a dog hole, she almost burst into tears!
Are you sure she won't get stuck in it?

But Kaluluxi was afraid for a while, and noticed that there was no movement behind him. Turning around, seeing that Ye Rumu hadn't moved, he asked strangely, "Why don't you come in?"

The corners of Ye Rumu's eyes twitched, "The hole is too big, I'll take a look first."

But Kalurushi was even more puzzled. He obviously built this hole according to his figure!How can it be too big?

correct!But Kaluluxi slapped his forehead fiercely, it's not too big!But too small!
He was built according to his own height, but Ye Rumu is a human being!Of course not by his standards!
But... Ke Kaluluxi coughed twice, "Girl, try to see if you can come in?"

Ye Rumu nodded, maybe he could get in, but it was just too crowded!
However, with her figure, it should be okay, because the dwarf is short in height, but slightly fat.

Ye Rumu got down on his stomach and got in.

Ke Kaluluxi leads the way!

Although it is coming in, the curve is really narrow!Ye Rumu suspected that if she came in, she would not be able to get out later.

But there is no other way, we have come here, so we can only bite the bullet and continue!
But Kaluluxi took Ye Rumu through the long secret passage, and finally came to an empty secret room.

Ye Rumu breathed a sigh of relief!
If she climbed again as she did just now, she might not have to go out if she didn't get the things...

"What is it that is so secretive?" Ye Rumu asked.

But Kalurushi shook his head, "I don't know what it is, it was left by that person, and he said that it will be handed over to someone who is destined in the future. I thought about it, and the person who is destined is probably talking about you!"

But Kaluluxi's answer made Ye Rumu frown. Although he guessed that it was left behind by the time traveler, the dwarves don't even know what it is.
But Kaluruxi walked up to a closed box, opened it, and handed it to Ye Rumu, "Girl, this is it! I don't know what it is, I just know it's for the dwarf patriarch to guard it for the ages, and wait for the right one." Time to give to those who are destined!"

Ye Rumu took it, and a pure purple bead appeared in front of Ye Rumu!
"Lei Lingzhu!" Ye Rumu blurted out.

Ke Kaluluxi looked at Ye Rumu suspiciously, and asked, "Girl, do you know this bead?"

Ye Rumu nodded, "Yes, this is called Lei Lingzhu."

Ye Rumu didn't mind telling Ke Kaluluxi the name of the bead if he could give her something.

"So that's the case!" Ke Kaluluxi suddenly nodded.

That person stayed and didn't say anything, just let the bead be handed over to someone who was destined, it turned out to be the Leiling Bead... Oh no, why did you think that it was the Leiling Bead instead of thinking about what the Leiling Bead was? ?
But Kalurushi didn't ask too much, after all, everything has already been given to others, so there will be no chance for him in the future, so he shouldn't ask any more.

(End of this chapter)

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