Chapter 403 Crisis 20
Put it in your mouth and blow it.

After blowing like this three times with pauses, a blue-gray eagle hovered directly above them, and its sharp and bright cry sounded slowly.

Ye Rumu raised his hand, Xiaoqing immediately swooped down, and finally landed firmly on Ye Rumu's shoulder.

Ye Rumu stroked the eagle feathers on his head as usual, and took out the paper and Ye Rumu's homemade pencil from the storage place on the horse.

Write to Qing Ran.

After writing, put it on Xiaoqing's feet, smoothed its hair, and said: "Xiaoqing, you send this letter to Qingran, after he receives it

You will come back to me, understand? "

Xiaoqing nodded the eagle's head and rubbed Ye Rumu's face, feeling a little bit reluctant.

"Go!" Xiaoqing gave Ye Rumu a last nostalgic look, nodded her eagle head, and soared into the sky as soon as she started.

"Master, what letter did you write to Qingran?" Qingxue asked.

"It's about Shui Lingzhu, let's go, let's talk as we walk.

As Ye Rumu said, he got on his horse and saw that the weather was already bright, so he had to rush to the next station early.

"Yes." Qingxue and Qingxin replied.

The group of three continued to rush to Zhancheng.

On the way, thinking of those men in black, Qingxin and Qingxue actually had speculations in their hearts, but they were not sure.

And Ye Rumu didn't take it to heart at all, those people in black were not important, and the important thing would not be those third-rate people in black, but, I'm afraid there will be people coming to the door non-stop.

After that, as Ye Rumu thought, those people came up endlessly just to ask for things, and then beat them!

Ye Rumu, Qingxue Qingxin and the others were able to deal with it, but it greatly reduced the time efficiency of going to Zhancheng.

Whenever she meets a group of people, Ye Rumu will say that the beads have been taken away, and she doesn't have them now.

Those who didn't believe it went straight to it. After failing, they had no choice but to go back and investigate who the first batch of people found Ye Rumu and others.

At the same time, news spread everywhere that things were snatched by the leader in black, and Ye Rumu had nothing on him.

Therefore, the person who was hunted down was replaced by a person of that power.

There were far fewer people who came to stop Ye Rumu and the others.

After a break, Ye Rumu looked at the city not far ahead.

After passing this forest is Zhan City. When you come here, you will inevitably think that you were in this place when you first met Baili Yao.

Qingxue and Qingxin obviously thought of it, and they sighed inwardly.

Who would have expected it back then.

Ye Rumu and the others had rested. They had just walked to the side of the horse, and before they could untie the rope, the branches in the woods rustled, and there was no wind.

Ye Rumu stopped what he was doing, and looked around vigilantly, but he couldn't tell where the person came from!
Qingxue and Qingxin had already sensed such an obvious movement, drew out the soft sword at the waist, and stepped to the left and right sides of Ye Rumu, forming a triangle, back to back.

The leaves slapping on the branches, the sound is not loud, but it can definitely make people maintain a high level of vigilance in their hearts, but it is impossible to know who is coming, where is it, and what is their purpose.

"My lord... come here, very strong." Qing Xin swallowed, her tone a little nervous.

"Yeah. Be careful, if you can't fight later, run first." Ye Rumu also agrees with what Qing Xin said, the coming is very strong!
(End of this chapter)

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