Chapter 407 Crisis 24
"Cough, cough,'s okay..." Ye Rumu quickly stretched out his hand, and put it in front of him, covering the corners of his lips that could no longer hold back.

It's not very funny... I really want to laugh...

Baili Yao looked helplessly at Ye Rumu's small movements, and his heart softened, so he just let her go.

Baili Yao looked at Ye Rumu's actions tenderly and affectionately, which made many young girls with spring hearts even more crazy!

How could Ye Rumu make Baili Yao treat her so tenderly! !
It should be so gentle to them!

They are very unconvinced!

A girl with a gentle and lovely appearance could no longer control the prehistoric power on her body, so she rushed directly to Baili Yao's side!

Still shouting: "My lord! I want to marry you!"

So, with the leadership of these people, the other girls rushed up regardless of everything.

Ye Rumu and Baili Yao were stunned.

Fortunately, Ye Rumu reacted quickly...backed up directly...for them...ahem, make room.

Baili Yao looked resentfully at someone who had no conscience to avoid him.

He stroked the horse's head with both hands, patted the horse's head, and said, "Shadow, are you ready?"

Shadow understood Baili Yao's words and raised his horse's head.

Baili Yao patted the horse's head and said lightly, "Let's go!"

Under Baili Yao's order, the shadow immediately jumped up from the horse's body!

Shadow is a famous cloud horse. Its biggest characteristic is that it runs fast and can fly very high and far.

As soon as the shadow tried his best, he jumped out of the encirclement without hurting anyone!

After that, he walked away directly.

Only the girls who were stunned for a while hadn't reacted.

The corners of Ye Rumu's lips twitched. This was the first time she had seen Baili Yao's mount show its power.

But soon came back to his senses, and reminded Qing Xin and Qing Xue who were still in a daze: "Hurry up! Do you want to be watched!"

These women obviously have great hostility towards her, and they are still here now, aren't they looking for abuse!
Baili Yao left and couldn't find anyone to besiege, so one can imagine... What will this group of angry women do to her...

Qingxin and Qingxue were also speechless. They never expected that this would be the result of not pretending to come back...

So without saying a word, he followed Ye Rumu and walked away.

Whether you can walk now or not, those women will react later...

Thinking about it, he shook his body and left more quickly.

After Ye Rumu left, he received the rare silence from above. It seemed that none of them had recovered from the shock of the flying horse until the person who claimed to have guarded Baili Yao for a week and finally saw someone appeared. Said: "It's so handsome! You are indeed the person I admire!"

As soon as he made a sound, the others also came back to their senses.

The girls could no longer see Baili Yao's figure, and felt lost for a while.

Such a good opportunity made him run away...

At this time, no one remembers that the prince is noble and inviolable...

"My lord is gone, what about Princess Xiaoyao?" Only then did someone think of Ye Rumu.

Everyone looked at it, and they didn't know when it disappeared!

These two people... Really, one ran faster than the other!
"Sisters, what should we do now? This is the first time the Prince Regent has come to our city of Zhan. If we miss this opportunity, it will be difficult to see him in the future! If Miss Ye can marry him as his wife, we will come to Zhan again." It’s not good, you can also have the position of concubine and side concubine, right?”

(End of this chapter)

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