Chapter 414 Crisis 31
This has become Ye Wensheng's concern.

After Ye Wensheng came out temporarily, Ye Rumu told Ye Wensheng the truth: "Father, those people are not hired, but mine."

"I've been hiding something from you. Now I think it's worth telling you if it makes you feel at ease."

"What is it?" Ye Wensheng faintly felt that what Ye Rumu was going to say was not simple, but it was impossible to guess.

This daughter, I no longer understand, don't understand.

"I am the owner of Yuexuan Pavilion, Yuexuan." Ye Rumu said, Ye Wensheng's eyes widened in shock.

It took a long time before he asked: "You mean, the people outside who have been protecting the Ye family are your subordinates?"

"Yes, they are my subordinates, but my a subordinate in name, but in my Yuexuan Pavilion, there are no subordinates, only brothers and sisters." Ye Rumu felt a little proud when he actually said it.

Because she had no parents in her previous life, no one praised her, encouraged her, or helped her no matter what she did.

At this moment, I really want to feel this feeling.

"'s useless to be a father. Mu'er, I'm very proud of you as a father. You must have suffered a lot to get to where you are today. It's useless to be a father. You still need to protect me. Father." Ye Wensheng was very guilty, thinking about the time when Yuexuan Pavilion was established, wasn't it the second year when Ye Rumu went to Tianhe City?
Now Ye Wensheng will no longer ask how Ye Rumu got to where he is today, no matter what he says, it will be in vain.

"What nonsense is father talking about? You are my father! No matter what I do, I should." Ye Rumu said seriously, and only hoped that Ye Wensheng would stop having such thoughts.

"Hey, okay, I won't talk about it for my father." If I continue talking, it will only increase my troubles.

I still can't do anything, even if the enemy comes to the door, I can only sit and wait for death.

"Father, now that I'm here, you can live a normal life with peace of mind. I'll take care of it. The people in that family are the enemies of our Ye family, so they are also my enemies." Ye Rumu comforted Ye Wensheng said.

"But... I'm worried that you will be in danger! That family has existed for too long, I'm afraid it's not an opponent." Ye Wensheng didn't want others to destroy his prestige, but the people of that family, not as simple as an ordinary family.

"Father, don't worry. If I can't do it, with the help of the prince, I won't let people from other countries deal with people from my own country, right?"

Ye Rumu didn't expect that Baili Yao would follow, but since he's here, it's always good to have more people to help.

"I'm afraid it's not good to bother the prince so much...Mu'er, you are married to the prince as his wife. You should always think about your husband's family, and you should not worry about your mother's affairs." Ye Wensheng was afraid of Ye Rumu. Don't understand, he taught with a straight face.

It was fine if I didn't understand before, but now that I'm married, I'm still married to a prince with a high position and authority, and I have to live by watching my husband's face. I don't know if Ye Rumu's temperament can serve her husband well?

It's still the owner of Yuexuan Pavilion, Ye Wensheng is very worried when he thinks about it.

Ye Rumu twitched her lips. This was the idea of ​​ancient women, not hers.

But he still patiently listened to Ye Wensheng's three obediences and four virtues.

(End of this chapter)

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