Chapter 428 Conspiracy 5
If I didn't do that wrong thing, can I also live a simple but not boring life with them?
Yunying regretted it very much, but what's the use of regretting?Regret can't get everything back.

Her gaze touched Ye Xiaoye, she frowned, and seeing the happy smile on the child's face, Yunying couldn't bear to obliterate it, but... there was still a decision to make in the end.

After watching for a while, Yunying got up and left here.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Baili Yao suddenly staring straight at a place, Ye Rumu followed his gaze.

"Nothing." Baili Yao replied, withdrawing his gaze.

"Yeah." Ye Rumu nodded, as long as nothing happened.

"What should we do now?" Ye Rumu asked.

"Let's wait in the Ye Mansion first, I believe those people will come again, let's take precautions." Baili Yao narrowed his eyes, if the figure just now is not mistaken, it is Yunying!
What is Yunying doing here?
Although Baili Yao didn't know, he also knew that Yunying was no longer his subordinate, so he still had to take some precautions, not to mention that Yunying's current master didn't look like a simple ordinary person!

"En." Now there is no other way, Ye Rumu nodded, agreeing with Baili Yao's words.

They are passive now, others are in the dark and they are in the light, so they have to take precautions.

Afterwards, the Ye Mansion returned to its previous calm, as if nothing had happened, but they did not become negligent because of this.

In Mrs. Zhang's yard, Mrs. Zhang and her daughters Ye Ruping and Ye Rumeng were sitting in the room, Mrs. Zhang was sitting there quietly, with an ugly expression on her face.

Seeing how silent her eldest daughter and second daughter were, Mrs. Zhang was even more furious!

Angrily said: "One or two of you, can you be a little promising? Let me worry less about you? Ah? Look at that person, they are all princesses, have countless properties and servants, and come back with us Fighting for family property, didn't they all drive them out at the beginning? How dare you come back now! And the old lady didn't say a word! This is not in line with the old lady's temperament? Hey! I'm talking to you! What are you thinking? Woolen cloth!"

Mrs. Zhang saw that she had been talking for a long time, but when she didn't attract their attention, she slammed the table violently!

This time, Ye Rumeng and Ye Ruping were frightened. Ye Ruping patted her chest, looked at Mrs. Zhang with some puzzlement, and asked, "Mother, what are you doing? You scared me to death! You can't talk well if you have something to say." Say? You know, I’m trying to conceive, and I don’t know if I can conceive! Alas! The old man’s foot is in the coffin! Why am I so miserable, and I don’t know if I will have another self in this life child?"

Hearing Ye Ruping say this, Mrs. Zhang was also very anxious, so she had to put aside the matter of Ye Rumu's purpose for coming back, and sighed: "You, you are really unlucky, why did you marry such a woman?" What about a bad old man? Sigh! Your father is also cruel, and he will marry if he wants to marry, and he will pay for it for the rest of his life!"

"Mother, don't worry, dad is also helpless, it's all because of who knows who the hell! He actually designed me to sleep with that bad old man, otherwise, based on my conditions, how could I only marry that kind of person?"

Ye Ruping said angrily, hating that person in her heart was also gnashing her teeth.

(End of this chapter)

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