436 Concealment 13
"How generous can a concubine be? Forget it, forget it, I'm unlucky." The maid murmured dissatisfied, this little money was not enough for her to stuff her teeth, and my aunt gave more than that before!Now it has become so stingy!
There was nothing at first, the master was happy to see more and less, but he couldn't say anything if he didn't give it to the maid.But just because Mrs. Zhang was generous in the past, compared to the shabby situation now, the maid naturally felt uncomfortable.

"Mother, why did you give her money? Seeing that scumbag like that, do you really think you are so special? Isn't she just a maid? If it's not because she is the person next to the old lady, let's see how I deal with her!" Ye Ruping said indignantly.

Isn't she just a maid, do you really think she has become the master?

Ye Ruping thought, even if she got married, she would still be the young lady of the Ye family, and the master of the family!How can it be the turn of those maids to speak!
"Okay, can you not give it? Now we are asking someone to do things for us! If you don't want her to pass on the message, how will you see the old lady? Don't worry, I will clean up this little maidservant sooner or later!" Mrs. Zhang I can't get used to this servant girl anymore. When I gained power, I used to fawn on her so much, but now that I lose power, I actually look down on her?

If so, Mrs. Zhang also recognizes it!Who told me to lose?
But that doesn't mean she's ready to be bullied!These people who bullied her will make them pay back twice as much in the future!

Mrs. Zhang sneered and looked at the back of that maidservant, no one could never turn over for a lifetime.

"But now... the housekeeper is with Second Auntie, what are you going to do?" Ye Ruping asked.

If it is my own mother who is in charge of the house, there will be a lot of benefits in the future when I come back!
Thinking of the benefits that she would get when she came back before, but after Liu's housekeeper, Ye Ruping has never seen any good things, so she hates Liu's teeth so much!

"Mother, you must take back this housekeeping right! Otherwise, the mother and daughter will get all the benefits, and we won't earn anything!" Ye Ruping said angrily, the more she thought about it, the more unbalanced she became.

"You're right, but Mother has been thinking of ways to do anything about Mrs. Liu. Now Mrs. Liu seems to be a different person, but she is very clever! Mother really can't deal with it! Your father is not coming now Mother is here, and they are all sleeping in her room!" Mrs. Zhang was also very helpless, so why did she not want to regain her housekeeping rights and deal with Mrs. Liu to win Ye Wensheng's favor?
"Impossible? Mrs. Liu has always been stupid. How could you even take him down?" Ye Ruping looked at Mrs. Zhang in amazement. She can't help it?
"Yeah, Mother has been with her for so many years, but I still don't understand her character and personality? Someone definitely thought of these methods for her... But if she thought of it herself, then she has hidden it for so many years , It's too scary!" Mrs. Zhang was thoughtful.

"Mother, I don't think so, it looks like someone is helping her!" Ye Ruping frowned and thought for a while, then said.

Even if it's pretending, it's impossible to have no flaws in the past 20 years, right?
"Well, let's not talk about this for now, why hasn't that maid come back?" Mrs. Zhang frowned. The maid has been away for a while, even if it is enough to go back and forth to find the old lady?
"Mother, I think that maid thinks she has too little money,
(End of this chapter)

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