Chapter 442 Conspiracy 19
It seemed as if he had seen Ye Rumu kneeling in front of him, begging her for mercy.

Ye Ruping felt a burst of vain satisfaction in her heart.

"Ping'er, it's not that mother is in a hurry, but that after so many years, she has nothing to do. How did you make mother calm down? No, no, no, Ping'er, she is a legitimate daughter. If she is here , the property you can get is not much. You can only distribute it according to the standard distribution of concubine daughters. How much good things can concubine daughters get? Don't even think about it, it must not be one-third of that of concubine daughters Much. What my mother is doing now is for your future! If my mother is gone in the future, what will you do? Now you still have property to fight for. When your mother is gone in the future, you can live in your husband's house Unfortunately, with these properties, even if you don’t have the protection of your husband’s family, you will be able to live comfortably for the rest of your life.” Zhang said earnestly, looking at Ye Ruping’s eyes full of worry, she was really worried about Ye Ruping’s future.

"Mother, why don't I know that my father is still alive and in his prime, so how could it be his turn to share the property? Wait for this matter, and there will be a turning point. Who will have the last laugh? I don't know yet." What!" Ye Ruping said disdainfully, she didn't take Ye Rumu seriously.

I was able to deal with her before, and I can do the same now!
The last time it ruined her reputation, this time, hehe, it's not that simple.

Seeing the smile on Ye Ruping's face, Mrs. Zhang felt terrified.

"Mom, don't say anything stupid, why are you not here? You still have to be with us for the rest of your life? How could you not be here! You have to wait, my second sister and I are filial to you. How can it be said that it is so unlucky What?" Ye Ruping asked unhappily.

Mrs. Zhang shook her head, and said helplessly, "Mother was just using a metaphor to think about the way out for you, and she didn't say that Mother is really gone. But, Ping'er, how will you go in the future? It depends on you It's over, my mother is getting old, I can't control that much anymore."

Mrs. Zhang suddenly felt a little tired. After fighting for a lifetime, what did she get in the end!

Ye Ruping looked at Mrs. Zhang, but didn't speak.

After returning to the yard, I saw Ye Rumeng was still sitting on the chair, motionless, what was he thinking?
"What are you thinking that you are so fascinated!" Ye Ruping walked behind Ye Rumeng and asked suddenly.

"Ah!" Ye Rumeng screamed in fright.

She raised her eyes to see that it was Ye Ruping, patted her chest, and asked with a sigh of relief, "Sister, what are you doing? You scared me to death."

Seeing Ye Rumeng's lingering fear, Ye Ruping looked at Ye Rumeng strangely, and asked: "What are you thinking? Tell me? I can scare you. It seems that what you think is really fascinated .”

Ye Ruping looked at Ye Rumeng suspiciously, wondering what could be so fascinated.

Could it be that Ye Rumeng didn't tell them anything else?
Thinking about it, Ye Ruping also asked: "What are you thinking? Is there something that you haven't told me and mother? If so, you should tell me sooner. Don't hold it in your heart, tell me and my mother." Mother will find a way for you."

Although Ye Ruping didn't think much of this cowardly younger sister, she was still a younger sister of the same mother, so she still had to help her.

Ye Rumeng shook her head, and said with a normal expression:

(End of this chapter)

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