Chapter 452 Conspiracy 29
The people of Nanman Kingdom are the best at using poison. It is possible for a person to be covered in poison all over his body. This time, he was careless!
He was poisoned by the poison carried by the dead man.

Ye Rumu frowned. Ordinary dead soldiers would only have poison in their mouths. After the mission failed, they would choose to end their own lives and would not let themselves fall into the hands of others. They will also attack people with poison!
But it should also be taken into account, what is the Nanman country... can't be generalized.

"Okay, okay." Ye Wensheng responded incoherently, and was about to help Ye Rumu go together. Ye Rumu frowned, pushed Ye Wensheng, and said: "Father, father, just help me, I will wait here on."

The old poison doctor is usually the favorite to join in the fun, but now he can't see anyone, Ye Rumu doesn't know if the old poison doctor is not there, those old men also like to watch the fun, and now I can't see anyone...

Ye Rumu frowned worriedly, and he didn't know if they didn't come because they didn't hear anything, or something happened.

But it's useless for Ye Rumu to worry, now his body is obviously being destroyed by poison.

"Mu'er! Go with Weifu! No one is watching you here, if you have any troubles, I..." Ye Wensheng couldn't continue, and looked at Ye Rumu worriedly, but he didn't want to leave.

After a moment of stalemate, Ye Rumu frowned, turned around sharply and vomited blood.

"Ouch..." Ye Rumu vomited a large pool of blood all at once, and felt a faint cramping pain in his heart, which was extremely uncomfortable.

"Muer, Muer, how are you doing! Come with me!" Ye Wensheng anxiously wanted to take Ye Rumu away.

But Ye Rumu is such a stubborn person, or a person who is so affectionate, how could he leave like this, even if he can't do anything now, he can't just leave like this.

"Father, please, please, leave me alone, let's go..." Ye Rumu's face was ashen, and he couldn't tell what it was like, he just felt that his mind was empty.

Maybe I'm's too late.

His eyes dimmed, he pushed away Ye Wensheng's hand, walked to a corner and sat down, took out the detoxification pill from the old poison doctor, and poured it into his hand without blinking, directly Just throw it inside.

Maybe it was because the medicine was effective enough, Ye Rumu felt the colic in his heart eased a lot, looked at the figure over there with a broken gaze, and remained silent.

"Mu'er, Mu'er, don't be afraid, Daddy will go find you a doctor, find a doctor..." Seeing Ye Rumu's appearance, Ye Wensheng was completely flustered, he said quickly, turned around and ran to the door .

I completely forgot, just now Ye Rumu said that he was looking for the old poison doctor.

After all, Ye Wensheng didn't know that the old poison doctor knew medical skills, and what he thought in his heart was that even if he found the old poison doctor, it would be of no use, it would be better to find a doctor.

Ye Rumu didn't bother to care about it anymore. In fact, she didn't leave because she didn't love this life.People who have been reborn once cherish their lives very much, and she will not be an exception.

It's just that she knows that she can't go out, and the deteriorating speed of her body makes her panic. If she leaves here, will she never see Baili Yao again...I won't see those brothers who have fought side by side for many years sisters.

If the old poison doctor is here, there may be hope...

Ye Rumu was in a trance as he sat.

(End of this chapter)

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